Dodgers Team News

Dodgers: Joe Kelly Won’t Discuss What’s Ailing Him Physically

It’s been quite some time since we have seen Dodgers’ reliever Joe Kelly on the bump for Los Angeles. Furthermore, the Dodgers are going to need this guy when the playoffs begin in the back-end of the bullpen. Lately, the team (Dave Roberts included) is willing to acknowledge that there is a physical issue, but are not willing to expand much beyond that.

Now, Kelly is talking to Jorge Castillo of the LA Times about this ‘lower body injury’ that has kept him sidelined. Unfortunately, not a ton of light was shed on this beyond what we already know.

Therefore, is Kelly able to pinpoint exactly what is wrong with playoff baseball beginning in a week? As he tells Castillo, not particularly.

“Not really, I guess,” Kelly said. “Just body’s not where I want it to be.”

However, Kelly did open up and expand upon that answer a little bit.

“[It’s] one of those things I’ll just have to stay on top of every single day because I know [that although the playoffs are close], it’s not going to be like magically cured,” Kelly said. “It’s just one of those things that I kind of just have to battle through.”

Equally important, it sounds like Kelly knows he can get through performing with this issue he’s dealing with.

“It’s just one of those things,” Kelly said. “I have to battle and just go and compete.”

Finally, I hope that Kelly comes out in his first October outing and looks really good. It’s hard to imagine the Dodgers pulling off a long run in the postseason without Kelly at their disposal. Furthermore, look at what he did in the 2018 World Series to remember what a healthy Kelly can do when the lights shine the brightest.

Staff Writer

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  1. Were not finished. We have not even started the playoffs yet. I keep hoping that the Dodgers have not yet fully cranked up yet. We shall see. We certainly do know that we are going to have lots of nail biting anxiety if the Dodgers are ahead by a run or 2 late, and the bullpen comes in for a save attempt.

  2. Speculating on Kelly’s injury. Why would he want to keep it a secret? Iu not throeing shade on Kelly at all, just curious as we all are.
    1. To not let other teams know? Like “I can pitch but I can’t run, so I can’t cover first or field a bunt.
    2. I’m embarassed because I hurt my self skateboarding.
    3. It has to do with something private like a skin condition, neuropathy or sti (groin area is considered lower body).
    4. Other?

  3. have the boys w/ long hair cut it so as to look like pro men ,instead of young boys that do not know better

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