Best List of Dodgers News, Blogs, Players, Reporters & Social Media
Here is a convenient directory of all Dodgers related entities you should be following on social media. Current Dodgers players, the official team accounts, and broadcast partners for all Dodger fans.
Dodgers Nation
- Facebook: /DodgersNation
- Twitter: @DodgersNation
- Instagram: @DodgersNation
- YouTube: /DodgersNationTV
- Twitch: /DodgersNationTV
- Tik Tok: @dodgersnation
Official Dodger Sites, Social, and Ownership
- Dodgers Organization |
- Twitter: @Dodgers
- Instagram: @dodgers
- Facebook Fan Page
- Owner – Magic Johnson
- Twitter: @MagicJohnson
- Facebook Fan Page
- Owner – Peter Guber
- Twitter: @PeterGuber
Official Dodgers Broadcasters
- Television | SportsNetLA
- Twitter: @SportsNetLA
- Instagram: @sportsnetla
- Facebook Fan Page
- Radio | AM 570 | AM570 | Follow @AM570Radio | Facebook Fan Page
- Radio Play-By-Play – Charlie Steiner
- Radio Play-By-Play – Tim Neverett
- Twitter: @TimNeverett
- Instagram: @timneverett
- Radio Play-By-Play – Rick Monday
- Dodger Talk Host – David Vassegh
- Twitter: @THEREAL_DV
- Instagram: @officiallyvassegh
- Radio Host – Tim Cates
- Twitter: @timcates
- Spanish Radio | AM 1020| AM1020
- Spanish Radio Voice – Pepe Yñiguez
- Twitter: @PepeYniguez
- Instagram: @pepeyniguez
- Spanish Radio Voice – Fernando Valenzuela
- Spanish Radio Voice – Jose Mota
- Twitter: @JoseMota05
- Instagram: @josemota05
- Spanish Radio Voice – Pepe Yñiguez
Dodger Players On Twitter
- Yency Almonte | Twitter: @showtimealmonte
- Austin Barnes | IG: @austin.barnes5
- Mookie Betts | Twitter: @mookiebetts | IG: @mookiebetts
- Walker Buehler | Twitter: @buehlersdayoff | IG: @buehlersdayoff21
- Caleb Ferguson | Twitter: @Im_Ferg | @im__ferg
- Freddie Freeman | Twitter: @FreddieFreeman5 | IG: @freddiefreeman
- Tony Gonsolin | Twitter: @goooose15 | IG: @goooose15
- Brusdar Graterol | Twitter: @BrusdarGraterol | IG: @brusdar14graterol
- Michael Grove | Twitter: @mgrove_2
- Jason Heyward | Instagram: @jheylove22
- Andre Jackson | Twitter: @DreDayXIII | IG: @andreterrell13
- Clayton Kershaw | Twitter: @ClaytonKersh22 | IG: @claytonkershaw
- Gavin Lux | Twitter: @TheRealGavinLux | IG @therealgavinlux
- J.D. Martinez | Twitter: @JDMartinez28 | IG: @jdmartinez28
- Dustin May | Twitter: @d_maydabeast IG: @d_maydabeast
- Max Muncy | Twitter: @maxmuncy9 | IG: @maxmuncy
- Jimmy Nelson | Twitter: @Jimmy_J_Nelson | IG: @jimmy_j_nelson
- James Outman | Twitter: @james_outman | IG: @jamesoutman
- Ryan Pepiot | Twitter: @ryanpepiot2 | IG: @ryanpepiot10
- David Peralta | IG: @davidperalta.6
- Evan Phillips | Twitter: @EvanPhillips36 | IG: @evan_phillips33
- Miguel Rojas | Twitter: @MRojasOfficial | IG: @miggyslocker
- Will Smith | Twitter: @will_smith30 IG: @will.smith
- Noah Syndergaard | Twitter: @Noahsyndergaard | IG: @nsyndergaard
- Chris Taylor | IG: @ctaylor_3
- Blake Treinen | IG: @blaketreinen49
- Julio Urias | Twitter: @theteenager7 | IG: @theteenager7
- Miguel Vargas | IG: @miggy__13
- Alex Vesia | Twitter: @Alex_Vesia | IG: @alexvesia
Team Photographer
- Jon Soo Hoo | Instagram: @jon.soohoo
Beat Writers
- Juan Toribio | | Follow @juanctoribio
- Sarah Wexler | |
- Jack Harris | Follow: @Jack_A_Harris
- Jorge Castillo | Follow: @jorgecastillo
- Dylan Hernandez | Follow: @DylanHernandez
- Bill Shaikin | Follow: @BillShaikin
- Bill Plunket | Follow @BillPlunkettocr
- J.P. Hoornstra | Follow: @jphoornstra
- Fabian Ardaya | Follow @FabianArdaya
Dodgers Blogs/Fan Sites
- Chavez Ravine Fiends | Twitter: @RavineFiends
Dodgers Legends
- Steve Garvey | Follow @SteveGarvey6
- Manny Mota | Follow: @mannymota
- Justin Turner | Twitter: @redturn2 | IG: @redturn2
- Spanish Radio Voice – Jaime Jarrin | Twitter: @JaimeJarrin | Instagram: @jamiejarrin98
any instagrammers?
any one on instagram ?