Dodger Stadium Attendance: By the Numbers in 2018
It is no secret that the Dodger fan base is one of the best in not only Major League Baseball, but in all of American sports. It is all explained by the numbers over the past few seasons. The Dodgers boasted the highest home total attendance in the sport in 2018, with nearly 3.9 million fans visiting Chavez Ravine. For reference, the second-highest home attendance total was at Yankee Stadium with around 3.5 million fans. 400,000 is a big difference; roughly eight sellouts.
Also, as expected, the club held the highest average attendance with 47,043 fans per game. Another fantastic indicator of true fan loyalty is the actual percentage of tickets sold that result in an actual seat being filled. The Dodgers ranked ninth in that category with an 84% mark, which is still very solid.
All of these statistics are simply a testament to how amazing Dodger fans are. I may be biased, but the fan base as a whole is one that is full of amazing people from all walks of life. There is honestly some beauty in that.
Of course, it helps that the team is perennially in contention and that the Dodgers play in an enormous market. But, on the other hand, they still fill the seats and still field a great product. That is an obvious recipe for success as far as ticket sales and attendance goes.
As the Dodgers prepare for 2019 with another World Series appearance (hopefully a win this time) in their sights, it is safe to assume that the club will maintain the top spot in the MLB. The fan base has been a model for the rest of the league, as they have maintained the highest attendance totals since 2013.
What truly makes us special as a fan base is the history that the franchise has. From the Bridegrooms to the Robins and from Brooklyn to Los Angeles, the Dodgers are not only a team but a culture. A way of life and a tradition.
Is great I love dodger stadium