Dodgers Team News

Dodgers: Max Muncy and Dave Roberts Speak About Resilient Bats in Win

The Dodgers came into this game with a huge 20.5 game lead over the Padres in the NL West, and looking to take the series 3 games to 1.

It was a rocky start for the Dodgers, as they went up 3-0 in the second inning, but gave up 5 runs in the third inning. They were trailing 10-7 heading into the bottom of the eighth inning, and the Dodgers scored two runs in the eighth inning, and two runs in the ninth inning, with Max Muncy as the hero.

He spoke to David Vassegh after the game.

Max Muncy on delivering the game-winning hit today:

“It was great, just listen to ’em [the fans]. It’s just a good time, they stayed through the whole game, it was really hot out here today, it’s probably one of the hotter days we have had all year, and I keep waiting for this ice bath coming, to cool me down.”

Max Muncy on the at-bat against Padres closer, Kirby Yates:

“We were grinding out there, we’re all trying to pick each other up, and we came through together.”

Max Muncy on if it ever gets old, being the star of a season that has been full of walk-offs, at Dodger Stadium in front of the fans:

“Nah, it never gets old, and I don’t think it ever will.”

Doc on the resilient offense

Dave Roberts added his thoughts on his team’s ability to continue to chip away and stay in the game.

“Get a lead, give it away, get behind, and you look back at the Negron at-bat — drove in two runs, and then just throughout the rest of the game, just to chip away, keep taking good at-bats. Corey beating out that ball right there, hustling, extending the inning was huge.

And obviously the at-bats we took against Munoz, nothing to show for it, but JT’s at-bat, and it’s just Joc gets on base, has a tough day going into that last at-bat, grinds an at-bat, doesn’t panic, and gets a ball out over, and starts the inning out for us. That was huge.

Then sets the stage for Max, who we see him do it many times, with that big hit, and just the quality that he just has a great way of staying in the strike zone, and got a pitch he could handle, and Corey, first to third scoring right there, that was big, so just a well-played game on the offensive side, on the defensive side, and we just showed a lot of resiliency there.”

Mad Max Muncy is no stranger to big hits, but somewhat surprisingly this season, as noted by Dodgers play by play man Joe Davis, this was Muncy’s first walk-off hit in 2019. And his first since game 3 of the 2018 World Series.

Levon Satamian

My name is Levon Satamian. I am currently attending Cal State Northridge, and majoring in Broadcast Journalism.


  1. That was a can’t miss this baseball game…………nice win fellas! Muncy, 4 for 5 with two doubles and a home run – Pollock had a nice return to the lineup – and Russell Martin channels his Will Smith impressions – Great game! – and beating Kirby Yates in the ninth? Priceless!

  2. Way to go Max. I also lost my voice screaming when you hit the double to win the game. We are so lucky to have you and your contributions!

  3. I agree. Last night, Max’s double was priceless, as was Corey’s determined run & slide. Now that was an exciting ending to a game!

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