Dodgers Team News

Dodgers: MLB May Have a New Date for Opening Day Circled on its Calendar

Dodgers fans are used to Opening Day being placed in March or at the very least a home opener in April. The coronavirus has put a temporary hold on that though, leaving fans to wonder when we will finally get to see baseball. As it turns out, the league is considering one holiday in particular as an option.

The news comes out just as Toronto announced that it will not allow public events until July. That lines up well with this prediction that Major League Baseball could see baseball kicking off on July 4th. It might end up being a very patriotic Opening Day indeed for the Dodgers.

If baseball were to start on July 4th with the schedule as is, that would put the Dodgers against the Marlins at Chavez Ravine at 7:10 PM. With Toronto being banned from crowds, that date actually does make sense. Most experts at this point have predicted that we would be lucky to see baseball start back up in late June.

Should the Dodgers get going on July 4th, that would put them approximately 61 games behind schedule. The league still has plenty to figure out in regards to how many games will actually be played this year, and how that would all play out. Some have predicted that baseball will opt to push the schedule into November or even as late as December. 

Whatever the case, the fact that baseball has not been called off entirely yet should be somewhat of a relief for Dodgers fans. How would you feel about an Independence Day Opening Day?

NEXT: 2019 Playoff Baseballs Were De-Juiced, According to New Study


  1. This was supposed to be such a good and promising year for the Dodgers. At this point it all feels pretty deflated regardless.

  2. Too late in the year just cancel the whole season at that point. You’ll live cry babies. Come watch the Lakers win a championship in the summer

  3. I thought playing games without fans might work at the onset, but then since few in the City of Los Angeles have Spectrum, few would actually see any baseball.
    At least we could see the Angles play.

  4. The season is pretty much wiped out.Time to focus on next season.This really is the only sensible way to go.All else is wishful thinking and nonsense.The AllStar game remains in LA at Chavez Ravine for 2021 and this year’s current rosters remain intact and contractually enforced.Shortened season or bunched up games or games pushed into off months is not good for the players.Stand tall and regroup.This is best for everyone.

    1. From the start of this, people have been talking about a hundred game season. It seems to me that is fine u see the circumstances . There’s an emergency!! We’ve had a shortened season before and I don’t remember anyone complaining too much. And that was for a strike, which is important but nowhere as serious as a pandemic! Imagine if scores or hundreds of players and fans were sickened or killed! I really miss baseball, but even at 77 years of age, I can look forward to future seasons unless I’m dead!

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