Dodgers Team News

Dodgers News: Attendance & Radio Ratings Increase Without SportsNet LA

[new_royalslider id=”189″] The Los Angeles Dodgers have crept back into the NL West race, but thousands haven’t seen their latest stretch of improved play. With the halfway point of the season coming soon, Time Warner Cable’s SportsNet LA is still unavailable in homes of countless Dodger fans in the Los Angeles area.

With TWC and other cable providers yet to come to terms on broadcast rights, 70 percent of fans in the Los Angeles have been unable to watch the Dodgers this season. Only a handful of games have been nationally broadcasted and for all other games, fans have had to resort to other means.

Some of which includes, listening to radio broadcasts and attending home games. According to Andy Fixmer of, one result of the limited TV availability has been an increase in the KLAC 570 AM ratings:

The station’s exclusive broadcasts of Dodgers games are drawing 48% more listeners this season, and its share of the radio audience has doubled compared with a year ago, according to Nielsen Audio ratings supplied by the station.

Fixmer also reports fan attendance is up from last season’s MLB-best finish:

Through 24 home games this season, the Dodgers had drawn 1.11 million in attendance, an 8.1% increase from the same period a year ago, according to figures provided by the team.

These rises in broadcast listeners and attendees to the games are great for the radio station and Dodger Stadium, but neither provide an ideal solution to the TV blackout.

Two days ago the Dodgers’ ace, Clayton Kershaw, made history by pitching his first career no-hitter. Fans listening and in attendance witnessed this memorable moment, but only 52,000 viewers got to watch it in its entirety on TV.

Although controlling owner Mark Walter stated otherwise, there doesn’t appear to be much progress being made on negotiations for other networks to add SportsNet LA.
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  1. I live in Vegas, listen on MLB, but I do get to watch SF, SD and AZ games on direct tv, I think what makes it even worse is when they blackout espn, and mlb games, over a situation that fans have no control, makes me wonder if they even care

  2. Thanks to the owners they haven’t stepped in to fix the problems. I can’t even see the games because TWCLA wants me by the channel. If I pay my bill it’s because a percentage is being made to watch the games. Dodgers ownership is full of greed and crap right now. Magic Johnson if you care about the fans you and you people should step and not make people to switch there providers. Because you make people loose money and it’s easy to throw it away.

  3. In the Central Valley we don’t have TWC or Bright TV available and can’t even get the radio broadcasts. Thank goodness for the times we get to watch MLB and ESPN games but they are far and few between. Come on Dodger management. You can do something about this. It’s gone on too long now.

  4. Hopefully this T.V. deal that Time Warner has with the Dodgers stagnates and they never get any providers on board, and the whole deal blows up in their faces ! Right now Magic Johnson and ownership crew are making the McCourts look like outstanding owners.At least in the McCourt era we had the Dodgers on T.V. and could easily afford to take the family to Dodger Stadium with seats up in the nose bleed section . Now with Johnson at the helm he’s using Jerry Buss’s formula of inflating ticket prices for certain games and promotions. I guess it’s true You have to be careful what you wish for ,I thought things would return to the good old days with Magic johnson as the owner,BOY was I wrong !

  5. I am absolutely appalled by the Dodgers organization this season. The corporate greed that is flowing thru these owners veins is ridiculous. I refuse to spend any money going to Dodger Stadium this season, or any future season, until they fix this issue. I feel every fan should do the same. These people forget that we the fans are the ones lining their pockets with cash. I’ve been a Dadher fan for 41 years and it’s horrible I can’t sit in my chair and watch a game because I refuse to deal with the disgusting service that Time Warner provides. Only 52,000 people for to see Kershaws no hitter????? These owners should be ashamed of themselves.

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