Dodgers Team News

Dodgers Players Release Powerful Statement Against Social and Racial Inequality

The Black Lives Matter movement has swept across the nation as well as through Major League Baseball. The Dodgers have taken some stances on in over the last few weeks, but today really capped it off. 

The Dodgers released a powerful video today to speak out against racial and social injustices in the United States. Together the players have committed to using their platforms to help voices be heard that previously have not. The entire press release courtesy of the Los Angeles Dodgers is below: 

In a show of solidarity, Dodger players today released a powerful message, speaking out against racial injustice in America and committing to using their platforms to amplify the voices of social justice organizations on the ground in Los Angeles. The players will also match funds raised from the “In This Together” special edition t-shirts benefitting the California Funders for Boys & Men of Color Southern California: Our Kids, Our Future Fund (CFBMoC). 

Clayton Kershaw, who recently put out a statement in support of Black Lives Matter, bookended the message which features nine additional players – Cody Bellinger, Walker Buehler, Kiké Hernández, Gavin Lux, Joc Pederson, A.J. Pollock, Ross Stripling, Justin Turner and Alex Wood.  

 “For centuries, the Black community has lived in a different America. Instead of addressing racism, inequality, and injustice, many of us simply look away,” said Kershaw. “Silence is no longer an option. I’m fighting for my teammates, their families, and their communities.” 

 Earlier this week, Kershaw, Pederson, Stripling and Turner joined the inspirational leaders of the Brotherhood Crusade, Children’s Defense Fund of California, Brothers, Sons, Selves Coalition and the Community Coalition, four of thirteen organizations in the CFBMOC. The organizations shared the history of racial and social inequities in Los Angeles and how their respective organizations have been working for decades to tackle systemic change. The players engaged in open and honest dialogue about how they want to use their platforms and resources to support and amplify this important work and be allies for the Black community.  

 This listening session was intended to be the start of many conversations between these leaders and the players, who learned their voices can truly make a difference. Together with the Los Angeles Dodgers Foundation, the players will continue to use their platforms, keeping the invitation open for teammates to join in future opportunities. 

 During today’s workout, Dodger players will raise awareness for these organizations by wearing the “In This Together” t-shirts, which are available for purchase for a limited time at 

The video released by the Dodgers can be found here on their Twitter page. 

Dodgers: Dave Roberts Talks Expectations For Julio Urias in 2020


  1. Uh oh don’t tell our shockingly large amount of alt right conspiracy theorists fans. They like to get all bent out of shape and threaten to leave lol. We mustn’t make them uncomfortable with reality or use a bigger platform to make change

  2. Cleave,

    So you believe that Majic Johnson, part owner of the Dodgers, and Dave Roberts, manager of the Dodgers, look at their players in black and white? If there were black players or other ethnic players that they felt were better than Kershaw and other ‘white’ players, don’t think for one minute they wouldn’t be on the team. Baseball is about winning and fielding the best team possible. It is not about racism. The last time I checked racism did not win a World Series and with all the Dodgers ‘whiteness’ we haven’t since 1988. My friend look up Thomas Sowell and his thoughts on racism and white privilege. You may get an education.

  3. Hey Richard- Been reading Sowell for years. I’m a big fan and am aligned with him. You should try Candice Owens or Mark Levin or Ben Shapiro or many others.

    Like Magic and Roberts I don’t look at people by color either. Just trying to find the best employees I can. I don’t pick my friends by color either. And FYI there’s more than two colors.

    It’s a lame video so the players can feel good about themselves. They offer no solutions, no specifics, just words. And there are no black players on the video. Just more lectures from white celebrities.

    My point was, a real commitment would be for some or all of them to step aside if they really believe that what they are saying is important. Give black players a chance. They want other people in other businesses or schools of course to step aside instead of individuals earning their position, but not themselves. But they’re just talking and they can go to sleep thinking they made an impact. All they have to do is give money. Two of those organizations are being looked into for fraud. But what the heck!

    You should read the comments above and check out the BLM website. That’s who these guys support.

  4. Sad to see some of the bigoted responses here. It is the direct opposite of the empathetic posts on another Dodgers site I frequent. Many of you refuse to acknowledge the fact that our nation was founded on the premise of white supremacy. It is something that still exists and needs to go away. As for some of the characterizations of the BLM organization, those are flat-out untrue. Nowhere on their website does it mention Marxism or Communism. Don’t lie to make a point and expect to not be called out on it. One final thought: While it’s understandable that some people are afraid of change, don’t let fear bring you down. True equality in America won’t mean less for you. It will mean more for all of us. As a straight white male, my pursuit of happiness has never been obstructed due to skin color, gender, or sexual orientation. Why would I not want all Americans to enjoy the same opportunities and priviliges I’ve had? And why wouldn’t you? #BLM

    1. Complete and utter nonsense. We have had sixty years of affirmative action and a host of accommodations which has only contributed to the victim and entitled mentality. Look at the Asian immigrants who come here and despite issues of language and culture they thrive. When you hold up examples of blacks who have succeeded, despite challenges, like Dr. Ben Carson, they are decried as “uncle Toms” because they don’t buy into the victim hood that permeates movements like BLM. Or because they embrace conservative values.

  5. We have deleted the ignorant perspectives left in this comment section. We stand with the Dodgers Organization in standing against racial and social inequalities.

    1. Thank you. It’s a shocking and sad how many of our fans have fallen for the fear mongering conspiracies, like CeyHey said, it’s completely untrue

    2. Of course, delete the Truth and support Marxism, segregation and destroy the 1st amendment by silencing the opposition. You my friend are a Real Fascist that you and your Torry socialist cabal so adamantly detest.. Great work Mr Stalin….

  6. When I saw the Dodgers supporting BLM, I finally knew, MLB is headed down the toilet with NFL and NBA. It was good while it lasted.

    1. So Mike, the writers of this site spread Political threads about the on goings in the World. When we discuss the motives and call their Ignorance and hypocrisy, they delete our voice. Even a flunky derelict from public school could understand the Marxist Agenda of these Modern day Torries. Indeed, now MLB has succumbed to the Marxist Agenda, and all of their lap dog Media writers are spewing their True hate and tyranny. Lame…….

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