Justin Turner: A Reaction Post to The Game 2 NLCS Blast
Now, we have had a day and change to digest what took place on Saturday. Justin Turner hit a home run in game two of the NLCS that turned the series on it’s head. Furthermore, this could end up being one of the biggest home runs in Dodgers history. While time will tell if that remains to be the case; I can’t not write something about it. I simply was overcome with emotion after Saturday’s 4-3 win in Milwaukee. In fact, a day was needed to really formulate what I wanted to say about it.
All this time later, I’m not sure I can put my full appreciation into words. However, I’m going to try because Justin Turner and the Dodgers deserve it. They’ve rightfully earned it, once again.
When Turner stepped in the box against Jeremy Jeffress in the top of the 8th, Los Angeles was a 34 percent win expectancy. Chris Taylor had just singled, allowing for the slightest of hopes to remain alive. I told those privately that I talked with during the game that I felt something weird was going to happen late; I simply couldn’t explain it. Something within me when I woke up knew that the Dodgers were winning game two. That’s just how they are.
Still, as the lead swelled from 2-0 to eventually 3-0; I wondered if I was a madman or simply half insane. The Dodgers grave had been dug properly for the second-dozenth time in 2018. This time – it felt like it was for real – there was to be no escape. And then, when all hope seemed lost; they began to string a flurry of small miracles together.
All of this was culminated by the perfect guy in the perfect spot. Turner caught a 90 mile per hour Jeffress sinker or splitter, depending upon what you want to call it. Surely, Jeffress called the rally ‘luck’ as a whole. Maybe it was.
Indeed, the Dodgers showed up and showed out and hung tough long enough for the improbable to take place. While most gave up – and be honest, you likely did – I don’t think anyone in that away dugout did.
So now here we are, the Dodgers hold destiny in their hands after removing home field advantage from the Brewers. Los Angeles cut Milwaukee and drew blood off their strength of their life-force; their vaunted bullpen. Like a boxer in the late rounds, they regained their legs and started landing body blows in game one. In game two, Turner delivered one of the biggest knock-out punches someone could dream up.
I have seen some funny remarks on social media in the day I took to collect my thoughts. One in particular said that the Dodgers were the ‘best bad team of all-time’. To many, it may feel that way. This team has been marked dead on arrival more times than I can count this season.
As we head down the path to learn the final destiny of the 2018 Dodgers, it just seems like a bit of magic is building. There is a determination, a river, a fire; a hunger that exists in these guys. The mark of something really special is there, but I don’t quite have one word or sentence that defines it perfectly for you.
All I can say is this: keep watching and don’t count them out, ever. No matter how bleak things appear, it’s important not to get too high or too low with this bunch. Across my life watching baseball, few teams have had the ability to excite, frustrate, and make you feel like this one does.
For this reason – you’re left wanting more – and so am I. With this in mind, I believe that this team has the ability to do anything within the realm of possibility. There’s nothing that exists in this game that seems like they haven’t been through all in a season’s time. The 2018 Dodgers are special, and dangerous, and maybe that’s why we will ultimately remember them.
This past Saturday in Milwaukee – they showed me that they contain the mark of a champion. Now let’s build that statue of Justin Turner, and let it look like this when it’s erected:
Good, Bad, Ugly From NLCS Game Two
They are winning it all this year. Here is my reasoning: 1958-they move to LA; 30 years later, 1988, they win the World Series; 30 years later, 60 years after moving to LA, they simply MUST win the Series, again.