Playing Drawful 2 with Dodger Fans Ashley and Sydney of All About That Base
Clint and Brook are excited to welcome friends Ashley Lopez and Sydney Daniel from the internet sensation “AATB” is a new blog bringing fans a more behind the scenes look at the lives of baseball players and their families.
Today we are once again playing Drawful 2 from the Jackbox Games series. The goal isn’t just to win, but to not lose and be a huge failure.
AATB is covering everything between the bases. Their blog has you covered on everything baseball. Follow along to read their signature player interviews series called Around The Bases, keep up with the family series called Touching Home, and their media series called Standing on the Sidelines.
Check out the gals on Twitter at @allaboutthatbase and individually at @ashleyannelopez and @sydneypdaniel. Also on Instagram at @aatbase.
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