VIDEO: Puig’s Escape To Become A Movie, Mattingly Discusses Outfield
Yasiel Puig a movie star? Last week, we discussed Puig’s shocking escape from Cuba that was revealed by Jesse Katz of Los Angeles Magazine. The story featured Puig’s journey from Cuba with details about his smuggling to Mexico that involved the Mexican Drug cartel and unpaid ransom. We didn’t know much about Puig’s past before the story came out, but now we have even more questions.
Both Puig and Mattingly have stayed quiet when asked about the matter, but now according to Borys Kit and Rebecca Ford of the Hollywood Reporter, it looks like the rights to turn Puig’s story into a movie have been acquired by Brett Ratner and RatPac Entertainment. All we know so far is that the movie will be produced alongside Beau Flynn and Flynn Picture Company. We’ll be sure to keep you posted with all the movie updates as we find out more details.
As if Puig’s off-field story wasn’t enough to talk about. Four is starting to be a crowd in the outfield. Don Mattingly has yet to commit to three outfielders and has instead rotated between Puig, Kemp, Crawford and Ethier based on who’s the most optimal matchup at the plate, and sometimes even adding Van Slyke to the mix. There’s always an odd man out, which has become a challenge.
According to Mark Saxon of ESPN Los Angeles, Mattingly admitted to the stress of having four great outfielders. He said, “It does cause you [stress] a little bit. It’s not so much hurt feelings as that you want everybody in the mix. It’s that understanding that we’re talking about four guys who have had, to this point, quality careers. You can’t just throw those aside. I assume every time their name’s not in the lineup, they’re not necessarily happy about it.” Mattingly stated that at some point he will settle on a more consistent line-up but until then the four will compete for a spot everyday.
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