
Dodgers News: Alex Guerrero Didn’t Notice Madison Bumgarner Yelling

Kirby Lee-USA TODAY Sports
Kirby Lee-USA TODAY Sports

In the long history between the Los Angeles Dodgers and San Francisco Giants there have been success and failures for both teams, and more than a fair share of run-ins and tense moments.

Twice last season Madison Bumgarner and Yasiel Puig exchanged words, with both benches clearing at Dodger Stadium during the second altercation. On Tuesday Bumgarner turned his attention to another Cuban on the roster, Alex Guerrero.

With the Dodgers trailing 2-1 and Guerrero leading off in the seventh inning, he worked a full count before flying out to right field. Guerrero spun out of the batter’s box and tossed his bat toward the Dodgers dugout, seemingly upset he missed a pitch that had been left over the plate.

Guerrero’s reaction didn’t sit well with Bumgarner, who remained fixed on the utility man and yelled in his direction as Guerrero made his way back to the dugout. Bumgarner appeared to tell Guerrero, “You’re not that [expletive] good, man. You’re not that [expletive] good.”

Guerrero didn’t respond to Bumgarner’s actions and said prior to Wednesday’s game he was unaware of the situation at the time, via ESPN’s Mark Saxon:

Alex Guerrero said he had his head down while running and didn’t understand what Madison Bumgarner was yelling at him during Tuesday night’s game, but that he saw the video of the encounter and, with the help of teammates, was able to read Bumgarner’s lips the next day.

The 28-year-old Cuban native downplayed Bumgarner’s actions, but not before he added perhaps the Giants’ ace had the pinch-hit home run he allowed on his mind:

I think he was still thinking about the home run I hit in San Francisco, but I’m not the kind of person who gets upset at that kind of thing,” Guerrero said in Spanish. “To me, it’s nothing.”

On top of his verbal lashing of Guerrero, Bumgarner also earned a win Tuesday night by limiting the Dodgers to one run on five hits over eight innings.


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    1. Look at you all mad and shit. you think they give a damn about youR comment? KISS THE RING SUCKAHHH!!!!!

      1. He’s an asshole ring or not…
        I’LL make he here’s me tell him at the game too.
        He’s a big pussy

          1. Griffonn, you know I love you, so I’ll just be more specific and say that Madison Bumgarner is classified as the name of a classless, self-absorbed, overrated douche.

          2. Okay, who are you, and what have you done with my friend Griffonn? Madison Bumgarner, the whiny, full-of-herself, needs to just shut up and play redneck who is the subject of this article. Maybe just think of him as the Alan Grayson of baseball if that helps. 🙂

  1. A sweep would have been nice, but 2/3 ain’t bad, and the Giants are in last which is a beautiful thing.

    1. Yeah too bad they swept you up in san fran! And we’re a LAST PLACE team.
      your team is off better sucking time warners dick, leave baseball for the real talent.

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