Dodgers Team News

Dodgers News: Players Weekend Jersey Names Announced

The moment we have all been waiting for is here: Player’s Weekend. Moreover, the time is here to see all the awesome, fun, and crazy names that the Boys in Blue.

Here is a look at the release of the names for the 2019 season:

There are some really awesome names this year, both funny and creative.

For example, we have a “Negron James” for Kristopher Negron on the roster for a weekend. We also have a “Baters Taters” for Matt Beaty! “Funky Muncy” for Max Muncy is a clear-cut, top-tier name and “Whitey” for Tyler White is absolutely hilarious.

“Jerk-Store” for Jedd Gyorko is also a solid name as well as “Pollo” for AJ Pollock.

Of course, the typical “Seags” for Corey Seager, “Maeken” for Kenta Maeda, and “CT3” for Chris Taylor are still kicking as well as “Kersh”, “RedTurn2”, and “Kenleyfornia” for Clayton Kershaw, Justin Turner, and Kenley Jansen, respectively.

Rich Hill has moved from “Dick Mountain” to “Field of Genes”. Rookie Dustin May will also be going with “Big Red”.

In surprise fashion, rookie catcher Will Smith will NOT be going with anything Will Smith-related, but instead will use “Smitty” during Player’s Weekend. “Fresh Prince” would have been too obvious, I suppose.

Player’s Weekend is scheduled for the weekend of August 23-25. The Dodgers will be at home, welcoming the New York Yankees to Dodger Stadium for a 3 game series.

New Look

Major League Baseball has entirely revamped the Players’ Weekend jerseys this year and they are extremely basic. Black or white. Literally.

Dodgers’ star third baseman Justin Turner shared his thoughts on the new look uni’s.

Dodgers Nation, what name do you think is the best out of this year’s Player’s Weekend jerseys? Are you buying one? Let us know down below!

Daniel Preciado

My name is Daniel Preciado and I am 19 years old. I am a sophomore Sport Analytics major and Cognitive Science and Economics dual minor at Syracuse University. When I am not in New York, I live in Whittier, California --- not too far from Chavez Ravine. I am pretty old-school for being an analytics guy and I will always embrace debate. Also, Chase Utley did absolutely nothing wrong.


  1. There’s a lot of good ones every year, but Rich Hill always wins the “I don’t care if I’m completely silly” award.

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