
Corey Seager Rightfully Ignores Reporter Following Odd Dodgers-Related Question After World Series Win

The Texas Rangers beat the Arizona Diamondbacks in five games in the 2023 World Series, and former Dodgers shortstop Corey Seager won the World Series MVP award.

For Seager, it was his second World Series MVP award after he won the honor in 2020 as a member of the Dodgers.

Seager because just the fourth player in MLB history to win multiple World Series MVP awards and the second player to win an award with multiple teams.

After the early celebration, as he went to the press room to speak to the media, he was asked an extremely odd question from one reporter. Take a look for yourself:

The reporter said it’s a question he “gets texted most,” and decided to ask Seager why the Dodgers let him go.

Seager, of course, did not have an answer for that question, and just shook his head before the moderator asked for another question.

The reporter then even doubled down and asked Seager, “You don’t have an answer?” And Seager just continued to shake his head with an uncomfortable smile on his face.

It’s pretty shocking that a reporter would ask Seager a question like that after winning the World Series with the Rangers. All the questions should have been about his current team and his individual performance, but that reporter decided to ask him a super uncomfortable question about something he couldn’t even answer.

Fortunately, Seager was able to just ignore it, and move on to continue answering questions about the team he currently plays for — but this was definitely one of the weirder questions I’ve seen from a reporter, especially during a moment like this one.

Either way, congrats to Seager and the Rangers for winning the 2023 World Series. And good for Seager for just ignoring the question and moving on.


  1. Not a big fan of Seager, but far from a hater. He did well with the Dodgers, but not what he was cracked up to be, seemed like he was always injured. He moved on for a ton of money, that’s what players do today. BFD, he played well and he was my guess to win WS MVP. That’s just todays game, cash out and move elsewhere.

    Congrats to Cory, he earned WS MVP.

    1. And u wonder why players don’t want to talk to the media when w ask stupid questions like that

  2. Great comment. Agree 100%. I am a Dodger fan and Seager fan and understood why they didn’t want to pay him. Hurt often plus e was hurt 2018 playoffs didn’t hit in 2019 or 2021 playoffs. Glad he won a WS but still wouldn’t pay that amount for him for can be a crap shoot playoffs

    1. Everything is s crap shoot in the playoffs. Anf the more postseasons a player is in, the more likely he’ll slump in some. There are uos and downs and no guarantee the best players will hit well in the postseason.

  3. It’s absolutely a fair question. He’s a reporter, there to dig for interesting and headlining stories. Seager was awesome for the Dodgers and then wasn’t. Dodgers let him go and he rebounded. It’s a provoking story. Reporters shouldn’t coddle athletes. Should he have asked him if he was going to Disney World?

    1. The Dodgers offered Seager an 8 year $275 million dollar contract and he took a 10 year $325 million contract from the Texas Rangers (and there is no personal inocme tax in Texas). He went for the better contract that is all. It was a stupid and inappropraite question from the so called reporter. Yes Seager got injured a lot in LA but he was a terrific player for them (as was Trea Turner) but LA was wondering how great they were going to be when they got into their mid and late 30’s.

    2. Maybe a fair question during the off-season, but the timing was absolutely awful. Seager just experienced one of, if not the greatest the moment of his life, and you gonna drag him down with a question that can only bring a negative response? Talk about a buzz kill!

  4. The Dodgers didn’t let him go they tried to resign him but Texas offered him more money. Congratulations to Corey and the Rangers.

  5. It was a fair, if not as well an uncomfortable question to ask Seager.

    The problem today is that reporters don’t ask tough questions and players are only used to answer softball questions.

    The Dodgers made a quality offer to a player often hurt and getting closer to 30 years old.

    I am a Dodger fan, but offering the guaranteed money and for the length of time the Rangers offered Seager just doesn’t make sense.

    Just look at Pujols, Trout, Alex Rodriguez’s contract and you will see that these type of contracts hardly ever work out at the end of the contract for the club offering….great for the players though.

    1. Jose, that’s a great point about these long term contracts. How the heck can they tell how long a superstar will last at peak performance? It’s just a result of these bidding wars. I think the teams know that they’ll have a great performer for a few years, but are ok on taking that risk long term. I wonder what Betts is gonna look like at the end of his contract when he’s 40 years old, or even 3 or 4 years before that.

  6. Was that Plaschke who asked that question? You know the LA Times reporter that also said the Dodgers will win the WS.Just like Dave said last season?

    1. Considering that LA had no starting pitching at all it is amazing that they won 100 games.

  7. Dodgers should have paid him and made a mistake letting him go to the Rangers. Seagar is a gamer. So was Joc during the postseason. That’s what the Dodgers kiss most, guys who preform during the playoffs. VWhat do ya bet Kershaw goes to Texas next year?

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