
Diamondbacks Force Dodgers Fan Behind Home Plate To Change (VIDEO)

Joe Camporeale-USA TODAY Sports
Joe Camporeale-USA TODAY Sports

Over the last few seasons, the Arizona Diamondbacks and Los Angeles Dodgers have had their fair share of disagreements. From hit batsmen to a benches-clearing brawl, a pool celebration, and more recently, insinuating remarks on how to properly assemble a front office, there’s little love lost.

There’s also been the issue of Dodgers fans having trouble when wearing blue in support of their team while attending a game at Chase Field. It dates back to 2013 when a group of Dodgers fans sitting in the field-level suite behind home plate were forced to change into Diamondbacks attire because they were visible on TV.

Last season the Diamondbacks made a fan turn his shirt inside out because it celebrated the Dodgers’ 2013 National League West division title and subsequent pool party. On Sunday, they were at it again as they made a Dodger fan seated behind home plate cover his blue shirt with a Diamondbacks jersey (photo and video below):

Dodgers fan changing

A tickets in the Batter’s Box Suite runs over $3,000 and according to Craig Calcetta of HardballTalk.com, comes with conditions:

While the Diamondbacks have seemingly attempted to dissuade Dodger fans from attending games at Chase Field, there’s historically been a strong showing whenever the Boys in Blue are playing in the desert.

In the just-concluded three-game series, there were plenty of audible cheers for the Dodgers and “let’s go Dodgers” chants broke out on multiple occasions.


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  1. Hilarious. Any time they make a stink about this whole fiasco, it always comes back to bite them in the butt. More and more Dodger fans are just gonna show up now. Lol.

    It’ll be so bad, they’ll be the first professional sports team to ban fans from another team. 😀

    1. Dodger’s are the D’bags…..only D’bags celebrate by urinating all over everything. Stay classy Los Angeles.

  2. how petty are they that they have to resort to tactics like that just because the Dodgers fan base is starting to outnumber their own fan base and they can’t control it

    1. I think our fan base has outnumbered theirs since the day the D’backs were founded.

    2. Ya say the D-Backs are petty but lets face it. Dodger fans only know about this because of the D-Backs. Did they see it on TV? The Dodger organization traded their fans for 6 Billion dollars. Lets talk about who is petty.

      1. Yup. Let’s keep it on the Dodgers and not criticize Arizona.
        At least the D-Backs owners show pride.

    1. Please don’t call them Arizona They are Phoenix Diamondbacks. They do not represent Arizona as a State. They represent Phoenix, I wish they would change their name period.

  3. the Diamondbacks should be grateful that us Dodger fans are buying up seats at their stadium. Otherwise, the place would be half empty! Morons!

    1. As a Giants fan, I agree. I was amazed how empty their stadium was opening day. Win or lose, you’ll never see an empty stadium in L.A. or S.F.

      1. The only time that happened in Los Angeles was when the Dodgers had a team owners who seemed to use them for a tax deduction (cury) or to boostrating for their media empire (Murdoch).

        1. What are you talking about Shawn Perry. I was at the opening day game. The stadium was full. The announced crowd was 49,000 the 8th largest in the history of the stadium.

      2. agreed. Btw, I’ve been to lots of games in the Bay Area. S.F. Is a great sports town. Sucks that the Niners moved their stadium so far from the city. I love the rivalry, and although there are hostile fans in S.F., as there are in L.A., I love the nice fans in the Bay Area.

  4. What are Diamondback’s fan’s, a bunch of 12yr. old little league Mommies?

    1. Free country has nothing to do with the contract you enter by purchasing the ticket. Another idiot who thinks fine print doesn’t mean anything and business owners don’t have any rights so long as you have money.

  5. That is such nonsense. You take someone’s money and they can’t wear another team’s jersey? I would ask for my money back then write a letter to the commissioner on how they are treating paying fans. If they can have technology create ads that display behind home plate, then they can use technology to not show that person. I totally understand if they say that may interfere with the picther’s line of sight, but what about those two people in D-backs Red? Definitely, some BS double standard right there

  6. I grew up in L.A and have been a Dodgers fan for over 32-years. I have lived in Phoenix for over 10-years. I’ve tried to get interested in the D-Backs, but I find their lack of “heart” for the game daunting. I’ve seen a lot of pettiness in Phoenix, but this situation is beyond petty—it’s down right mean and encroaches on freedom of speech.

    1. Um, why would you try to get interested in the D’backs? Stick with the blue, dude.

  7. Bullshit if in the fine print. Grow a set Diamondbacks org. How fuckin sad. Oh Boo Hoo!

    1. Can’t find the reply button? Nit quite smart enough to opperate a computer or understand how fine print works.. A fine representation of a Dodgers fan if there ever was one.

      1. lol, “Nit quite smart enough to opperate”

        I give your trolling a 3/10. Next time try not to make it so obvious.

        1. Well, actually not trolling. See trolling is being subtle when you insult someone for their stupidity.
          Let me guess, over 40? Or just really not tech savy, only someone in those two categories thinks something as obvious as just calling someone on their blatant inability to use a reply button in a manner befitting the lack of respect they’ve shown could be called trolling.

          1. I heard a rumor that you like the walking dead?

            -Glenn gets his head bashed in by Negan
            -Sasha single-handedly kills the wolves on the watch-tower
            -Gunshots attract the largest herdest ever on the WD
            -Deanna shoots Carl in the left eye when the herd breaks down the Alexandria walls
            -Rick slashes Negan’s throat, but saves him in the end.
            -Negan escapes his jail cell.

  8. Seems reasonable and more like the Dodgers fan is the douche bag who failed to adhere to the contract he entered by purchasing that ticket.
    Its called marketing folks, and if they’re gonna be visable on tv our brand or no brand seems pretty basic. I wonder how you’d react to the opposite.

  9. I hate the dodgers like everyone else, but this is B.S.! The guy paid for his seats and his shirt was not offensive, except to Giants fans 😉 Leave Him Alone!

  10. The Office of the Commissioner of Baseball
    Robert D. Manfred Jr., Commissioner
    Address: 245 Park Avenue, 31st Floor
    City: New York, State: NY Zip Code: 10167
    Phone: 212-931-7800
    Fax: 212-949-5654

    The best place to write or call and express your discontent so that people who can change this will actually read. I guarantee that if they receive, even a small increase of fans asking how MLB can allow this and how you are unwilling to purchase tickets until it is formally and publicly addressed, action will be taken. This affects all fans, if stadiums are allowed to have such rules.

  11. If that were me, I would have told them to give me my money back (and of course, leave the park peacfully) for my ticket to the game or get sued for violating my free speech rights. of course, that’s AZ, probably the most politically corrupt state in the west.

    1. Please don’t call them Arizona They are Phoenix Diamondbacks. They do not represent Arizona as a State. Or it’s people.

  12. That’s why I don’t go to their Games no more Since they moved their spring training back to Phoenix. They say their Arizona Team but then train in Phoenix. I would rather have the Dodger spring train in Tucson anyways. Not only that I’ll drive to LA and watch a game their to support my team then those DB. They should be happy that Dodgers fans are going they are paying for the DB salaries to them players. I guess they don’t think of it that way. Dodgers fans should just ban their games period. Go To LA it a better place anyways.

  13. 2 thoughts. did the dodgers as an organization complain to AZ? secondly, will the dodger ushers now play payback and make anyone wearing a diamondbacks shirt change?

  14. there would no way in hell I would change my dodger blue when I paid for that that ticket… Diamondback are a petty team and should be glad us DODGER FANS buy the seats

  15. I know the Dodgers have won lately but stick to the facts….when was your last World Series? Nearly 30 years ago. How many NL West titles have you won? 5 same number as the D’Backs in same time frame. Say what you will but they have accomplished a lot for a team that has been around for less than 20 years.

    1. Don’t forget all the HOFers, records, one of the greatest announcers of baseball, and the only number retired for all of baseball….42.

      Stay classy and quit whining. Maybe one day you will build up your legacy. Maybe.

  16. Ya say the D-Backs are petty but lets face it. Dodger fans only know about this because of the D-Backs. Did they see it on TV? The Dodger organization traded their fans for 6 Billion dollars. Lets talk about who is petty. Really

  17. Really? How about an ownership that stops their fans from watching them on local TV because they agreed to a greedy contract withTime Warner?
    Don’t deflect and say how terrible the Arizona owners are. The Dodgers owners are greedy pigs.

  18. Let me see what’s worse…..
    Arizona doesn’t want you to wear the opposition in the home base seats, or,
    Dodgers don’t want you to watch their games?
    Eat me Dodgers ownership.

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