
Dodgers: Chase Utley Checks in From Home During Quarantine

There are few voices that can make Dodgers fans feel better right now. Vin Scully is certainly one of them, as we got to hear from him yesterday. But seeing Chase Utley’s face pop up on the screen suddenly made it feel like everything was normal, just for a moment. 

Utley was only with the Dodgers for the final three and a half years of his career, but he quickly became a favorite in Los Angeles. His hard work, no-nonsense style of play won over the hearts of Dodgers fans even as his career winded down. Utley checked in with FOX anchor Liz Habib yesterday from home.

From what it sounds like, Chase it living a life much like the rest of us. He knows the uphill challenge current Dodgers are facing, and that staying in shape is going to be a priority for them.

They’re all at home trying to stay in shape in baseball shape…trying to figure out ways to keep guys motivated and keep guys in shape at home. They’re not able to go their own gyms so keeping their heart rates up, keeping them active. 

The idea that Dodgers players are struggling to find ways to stay baseball ready seems to be a reoccurring theme in talking to the players. Some guys are lucky enough to have cages or workout facilities at home, but most do not. Keeping in touch with strength and conditioning coaches during times like this will prove to be vital.

Moreover, it further demonstrates that whenever baseball is allowed to come back, guys will need time to get back into the swing of things. Chase knows a little but about that, having played Major League Baseball for 17 years. He spent most of his career in Philadelphia, where he won a World Series with the Phillies in 2008. Utley came over to the Dodgers in an August 2015 trade. 

Chase’s wife Jennifer recently started her own online business, ShopVetted.com where you can purchase cruelty-free clothing and accessories. 

NEXT: If the Season is Called Off, Los Angeles Takes the Biggest Hit

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