Dodgers News: TWC Provides Update On SportsNet LA Negotiations
There’s been few updates on the situation as the other cable companies, namely DirecTV given their control of the market share, have taken a stand against TWC leaving Dodger fans in the crosshairs. DirecTV and TWC representatives exchanged barbs through the media in the first week of April, with team president Stan Kasten and Los Angeles mayor Eric Garcetti the latest to discuss the bleak status.
In response to an article written by Howard Cole of LA Weekly, TWC senior director of public relations for news and sports, Andrew Fegyveresi, participated in a question and answer email interview. Cole questioned Fegyveresi on the status of negotiations, which the rep said were ongoing:
L.A. Weekly: How are the negotiations going?
Fegyveresi: We’re in discussions with other providers, but as has been reported, DirecTV has expressed no urgency in getting a deal done to bring SportsNet LA to their subscribers.
As for the possibility that a deal may not come to fruition this season or next, Fegyversei said TWC will continue to work towards avoiding that:
L.A. Weekly: What happens if no one blinks and 70 percent of Southland households are blacked out of Dodgers’ telecasts for the entire season, or even two seasons?
Fegyveresi: We can’t predict the timing, but negotiations are active with providers. We will continue to work tirelessly to get it carried across the region.
Fegyveresi’s would go on to express remorse over fans being without access to SportsNet LA. The goal, Fegyveresi states, is for it to be carried across all providers and he hopes a resolution is reached in the near future.
While the intentions to reach a deal may be there, the fact of the matter remains as the season wears on, it increases the likelihood the majority of Los Angeles will not receive their Dodgers at home.
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i wish i would of known i wanted to ask about them and Charter
I hate to say it but I started watching Angel Games like my mom has been doing…
This is news???
This insults our intelligence.
Why don’t you spare us the BS and just shut up!!
I don’t think I will be seeing the Dodgers for a while. If time Warner Cable did have some remorse. Then I would be watching the Dodgers on Direct TV.
I suppose if it’s not important to the dodgers organization, it shouldn’t be important to us either. Losing long time fans, which I’ve been since the 80’s, is ok as long as they get their money.
I have just decided to boycott all dodger games, as well as not to buy anymore team gear. I would urge other fans that feel the same way as I do, to do the same thing. let’s hit them where it hurts them the most, in the wallet. If 70% of the dodgers fans that can’t watch the games on T.V., stop going to home games it will hurt their bottom line. i love the dodgers, but I will not allow myself to be treated in such a disrespectful way. If I continue to spend money on them, they will continue to treat me the same way. Lets Boycott the LA dodgers
I agree with everyone here. This interview insults our intelligence. I’ve been a Dodger fan since the 1940s, but if they don’t care about the fans, the fans will stop caring about them. I feel bad that I may not hear Vin Scully any more, he may retire soon. I understand there is a possibility that Time Warner could also suffer by this decision in the future. Oh well.
i think that the dodger fans should boycott twc and not subscribe to the cable networks when this thing is negitiated. the price of going to a dodger game is ridicules and now we are going to have to pay to see them on tv ? we should go back to the 70 style when we heard them on the radio and watched them occasionally when they were on tv. a lot of families can’t afford extra cost in there budget.
It’s all baloney! If TWC and DTV want to get the job done then they would. If the Dodgers were smart they would have had an out in the agreement. While the money is the most important part to the new ownership one would have thought they would have the out if TWC was not able to come to a deal with the TV providers. All of this is just on hand washing the other and not caring about the real fans.
Dodger management started this mess and they need to clean it up.
Its getting real old.
Enough is enough.
Look I love ragging on the Dodgers management as much as anybody ever since the McCourts I’ve just had it out for them. But plain and simply this isn’t there fault, they sold the TV rights to highest bidder, its a business after all and more money from a TV deal is more money in the payroll. TWC stupidly paid a ludicrous amount just to outbid Fox Sports and now they’re paying the price two fold. They’re asking for FOUR dollars per subscriber, and this is just between DirecTV. Thats insane. With no other TV providers signing on to compensate for TWCs moronic move, the problem gets passed on to us.
Dodgers to blame just as much, I live180 mile in central valley I can’t watch them on my MLB TV app that I ppaid for not on my phone, tablets or xbox ,computer MLB states I’m in local market they even Direct tv extra innings Dodgers BLACKOUT again D TV say I’m in local market, MLB say teams can lift blackout, Dodgers should lift it till deal gets done or let us who want to pay let us watch !!!
What I have learned during this. MLB doesn’t seem to care if I watch the games, Dodgers don’t care if I watch the games and I already knew TWC service sucks. So I guess is that I don’t care if I watch the games. As a diehard MLB, Dodger fan I say…hurry up NFL at least I can watch the Rams on TV.
If TWC provided a great service I would have switched all my bundled services with them in a heartbeat! The problem I have with TWC is when they acquired Adelphia my service was horrible where it had been great with Adelphia. My TV reception was horrible, I couldn’t hold an internet connection for more than 15 minutes at a time and it took on average 5-7 days for their techs to come out to fix the problems. Their techs all but told me there was nothing they could do to fix my problems. I then told them to shut their service down, I didn’t want them and switched to Verizon FIOS. When they came in they could believe the shoddy connection and hookups TWC had done in my house. They rewired everything and I had beautiful reception, my internet connection was great as well. In the 6 years I have been FIOS great service, great reception on all my TV’s. My dilemma then is why would I change to a company with a horrible reputation just to watch Dodger games? What I am doing now is listening to the games on the radio. I hate that but it is better than nothing. I am wondering because you don’t see any stats on who is changing to TWC? Is anybody or is everybody changing? If people are changing are they happy with their change. I been screwed by TWC one time, I don’t think I will give them a second chance to screw me. I just hope that some kind of deal can be worked out where we can start watching Dodger Baseball games again!
I think the Dodgers and their network are greedy, they are all about money, they don’t really care about their fans, all they care about is money, I love the other years when we were able to enjoy watching the Dodgers on regular tv, they will loose fans by being greedy.
DirecTV has worked tirelessly trying to find a solution for the Los Angeles fan base. Time Warner wants to charge for the channel way more then any other sports network. It’s their fault they guranteed the Dodgers the money now there stuck being the olny provider.
I live in Rancho Cucamonga and can’t even get TW cause it’s a Charter area.
Brilliant marketing Doders! Your minor league team is in a city that can’t even watch your big league club!
How about Time/Warner TWCSportsNet prove their so called compassion and begin allowing fans to watch Dodgers game while in negotiations. You know “in good faith” negotiations.
Of course this will never happen. They have a blue print. Look at the Houston Astros situation. Two years no televised games.
Look, Time/Warner profits over $2 billion a year. Pays no Federal taxes and has received up to $74 million in subsidize refunds. If they are loosing $1.5 million per game as I have read. I see no reason for them to worry. Why might we ask. They’ll report it as a loss and be subsidize for it. Oh it’s tough on those poor American corporations…boo fucking hoo!
TWCSPORTSNET did this crap last year with the Lakers. These bastards have the balls to send emails telling me how I should go about harassing my cable provider. Time/Warner you’re nothing but an evil piece of cow dung.