Dodgers Team News

Bryce Harper ‘Likes’ MLB Instagram Post Calling Dodgers Favorites To Land Him

Dodgers fans: consider this an early Christmas gift. Earlier today – MLB’s Instagram page posted a graphic calling the Los Angeles Dodgers the favorite for Bryce Harper. Then, the magic happened.

Look closely at the tweet below. None other than Harper himself ‘liked’ the post.

Now, it could be that Harper would have mashed the heart button on the post asking if the Minnesota Twins are the favorites to sign him. However, that’s not likely.

Harper is young enough and hip enough to social media to realize this would cause a riffle. Equally important, if we are writing about it; it already has. Harperwatch has taken on a life of it’s own. A life where we peruse social media channels and search for old tweets where he said he liked Los Angeles.

Yes, this has actually happened.

This seems to be getting more and more likely. Still, things have seemed sure and gone sideways before. It’s still a wait and see – but at Christmas – miracles of all shapes and sizes take place.

Get it done, Friedman and company!

Dodgers Discussing Multiple Blockbusters with AL Teams

Staff Writer

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  1. All this talk of Harper coming to the LA Dodgers is just silly. The Dodger management is not so stupid as to tie up so much money on one player. Harper has had a couple of great years, but also some pretty mediocre years. He is injury-prone and LA may get only minimal value from him. They would be better off waiting for Arranaudo.

    1. I was in that corner initially. But it’s hard for me not to get a little excited about Bryce Harper. Especially if Puig is gone. Sign the guy and let’s ride. The flirtations can then stop.

      1. Merry Christmas, Clint! First Dodgers MUST obtain an impact RH bat, otherwise the LHP around the league will be facing us almost daily or whenever a team has a chance to throw one at Dodgers. I would kind of be OK with Harper, but he alone won’t solve the Dodger’s pending problems against LHP. And for the life of me, why would Freidman even think of bringing in Castellanos, who is a FA after 2019 anyway.

      2. You don’t want to get excited because there are a lot of Harper haters out there. Not sure why other than they take shots at good talent that can command big money. There were and still are a lot of Lebron haters on boards around the LA area. Boston won the WS and without JD Martinez and the highest payroll most likely would not have made it. Harper fits nearly all the areas the Dodgers are Lacking. RISP, OPS, Slugging and his splits aren’t bad. It’s not anyone’s money out there so why not do what Boston did and spend some of the billions on this guy? He’s Iconic as well. 20 mil for 3 years then 40 for 5. He’s worth it. That’s 260 for 8, 32.5 is fair. Probably not for Boras.

    2. Yes let’s hope they think the same long term contracts do not work out let’s put that money into getting multiple good players

    3. Difference maker? Harper is exactly that. He will destroy our team and baseball eventually. That’s the difference. For the money we spend on a guy like that, let’s just sign 3 guys that can put the bat on the ball. Solid, hard-nosed baseball players. That’s is our difference maker. Friedman is not an idiot.

      1. I don’t get the hate. His upside is more than any player available by a wide margin. He just finished a season where the Nats didn’t want him as he was offered for trade at the deadline. He didn’t want to play there and was looking forward to leaving. Although his numbers were down a bit he was a monster in the 2nd half hitting 300 and ended up with 34 home runs 100 rbis with an 889 OPS. HIT 295 with RISP and slugged .523. He is the missing link to a very inconsistent lineup. The hardest thing to do in this league is to get a proven star. There are very few opportunities to do it and especially a star of this magnitude. You are right Friedman is smart and will get him if the price comes down a bit.

  2. Harper, lot of money. if we can get Cory. Pay Harper, we would have a awesome young nucleus of talent for the next ten years. If Urias comes of age this year. We should be in the running for World Series Championships for years to come. Only Boston could hang with use. The Yankees. LOL. Go Dodgers. Oh Harper if you read this . Sign now like today . That way my wife can bye your jJersey for Christmas . Yes for me. # True 2 Blue /Family loves you Dodgers

  3. Harper hits well from both sides.I really will miss Puig ,Kemp and Wood but the Dodgers didn’t break our hearts to bring us a 31 year old that is injury prone.Bryce to LA.Embrace it!

    1. Pass on Realmuto. I want Will Smith to take the baton. Trade for Kluber and sign LeMahuie (???) Forgive spelling.

  4. Last time the dodgers signed a stir the drink guy was 1991. And Darryl strawberry had one good year. The rest of his 5 years was wasted money and disabled list. Now the front office is sitting and waiting for bargins to fill the lineup. They will be like last minute Christmas shoppers not finding what they like, because. The shelves are empty

  5. Harper only costs cash no talent trade necessary. He hits as well as any right handed we could pick up so what’s the discussion about? And only 26? What a core to have for 5-10 Years. It would be better than the 50’s

  6. Good morning and Merry Christmas!!!!! The Dodgers need a right handed power hitter. I am not saying we should overlook Bryce but we need to field a better balanced lineup. And, we need a pitcher. I have said this for years. Kersh is getting older and has been on injured reserve list the past few years with back issues. Even though we cleared some payroll with our recent deals, we do have many holes to fill and those monies need to be spent wisely. Go Blue!!

    1. BLUE LOU! Good day and a Merry Christmas to you and family from me and PD Jr. Yes and I have been saying that we need to balance out the lineup for quite some time now. We have holes to fill and if we don’t stay tuned….

  7. Harper for Puig? Why? Will Harper score that many more runs? We need a pitcher and a catcher and not the hype of Harper.

  8. Harper will make us worse. Flip the prospects from cincy along with verdugo and make kluber happen. Get pollock and keuchell. Boom. 3 big holes. Half the money. Better team.

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