Dodgers Beat Padres!
My First Petco Park Experience
Overall a pleasant experience! It starts out a nice Monday afternoon, departing LA around noon. Classic southern California weather allowed us to enjoy the top down and coast to San Diego in about 2.5 hours. We arrive downtime around 3pm and decided Google maps recommended, exit 15 A Imperial Ave, wasn’t the path for us. We move on down the the next exit 14 B and it dropped us into Imperial Ave anyways, without the 1 mile off ramp backup. We made our way to Eleventh Ave & B St. where we parked for 4.00. A short walk and we’ve arrived to the park.
At this time I was fairly impressed with the Stadium and surrounds and the peaceful, respectful fan base this fine city offered. Well, like all cities this one had their drunken fans whom some how stumbled upon tickets to opening day. Let me paint the picture for you:
She (drunken fan) weighed in at about 5’7, 160 pounds, sporting 4 cleanly brushed teeth, with a gold crown not to go unnoticed, her barnyard sidekick had a matching crowd and even 2 extra teeth than she rocked. Together they were the perfect couple, just 22 teeth shy of a full set and matching Padre t-shirts from 2005. They were well equip with their psychological warfare and were more original than the T’s they sported. On our way in we heard cutting edge comments such as, “L.A. – Lost Again” and “Peavy owns you”, following with a forceful “Go HOME!,” at which point we decided to listen and turn around and left. However, after about 10 minutes of her 3 comments on repeat I couldn’t help but wish someone would emerge from the crowd and land a hay maker combo on her custom tooth. It was around this time I realized that I was being selfish. Who am I to wish harm upon a fan? after all she needs her 4 remaining teeth to eat the left over chicken strips I throw in the dumpster on my way out of the stadium, the same dumpster she calls home, the same dumpster she found her version of the golden ticket (opening day padre tickets), and yes the same Dumpster Peavy and the Padres emerged from earlier that afternoon. For all we know, she still thought it was 2005, and the Padres had a winning team. Not today “tooth,” unfortunately Peavy owns the padres and about 20% of the payroll, and at the end of the day we listen to Mr. & Mrs. Dumpster and headed home.
The end result was a sweet, sweet victory over a team that would better serve as a team on one of Mrs. McCourt’s new little league fields.
Until Next Time,