Dodgers News And Rumors: SportsNet LA’s Ad Clarifies DirectTV’s Claims
In an advertisement published in Sunday’s print version of the LA Times, SportsNet LA informed readers of multiple so-called facts, which addressed a variety of issues.
Namely, the reported subscriber fee TWC is seeking, the comparison of DirecTV’s price to that of comparable sports networks and DirectTV raising their price for their regional sports package.
According to Bill Plunkett of the OC Register, MLB Commissioner Bud Selig said Tuesday he has “great concerns” over the matter. Team president and CEO Stan Kasten recently stated the blackout is an issue the Dodgers and TWC work on resolving on a daily basis.
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MLB News
MLB Names Bean Its First Ambassador For Inclusion –
Selig, Players Aim To End Smokeless Tobacco Use –
Selig: A-Rod’s Exemption Unknown – ESPN
Union Head Criticizes Astros Over Draft Talks – Yahoo
Wolff Willing To Re-Examine New Oakland Ballpark – Yahoo
Dodgers History: MLB Facts About Clayton Kershaw’s No-Hitter
“great concerns”, “work on resolving on a daily basis”. SHUT UP! If you WANTED to resolve it, it would be resolved. This kind of drivel is HIGHLY DISRESPECTFUL to the fans. We get what’s going on! This is all about MONEY!! NO ONE expected the new owners bought the team as a charitable venture, but honestly, we NEVER thought you’d sacrifice your fan base. I can’t watch the games; I’m not listening to the games; and I haven’t been to a game since all this started. Disappointment, frustration, anger, ALL OF THE ABOVE!
I haven’t been to a game either. I will not spend a penny on the dodgers until this is resolved.
I wish there were more people like us who are choosing to not attend games!
The more and more time that passes, the harder and harder it is to believe that Selig, Kasten, or anyone else involved actually cares about the issue. Really? They’re sitting down and trying to work this out on a daily basis? This was an issue in spring training (before??), and we’re now at the All Star break. If anybody was actually sitting down and trying to work something out, you have to think that it would have been figured out by now. This should never have lasted anywhere near this long. I can’t believe it’s halfway through the season and there’s still a blackout on Dodger games. It’s an absolute disgrace.
I am disappointed and upset as well that this is all about money. We as fans bring you guys this money. We pay for the cable providers, the dodger tix, the food at dodger stadium, parking, souvenirs everything as fans and this is how you repay us. Not to mention the Dodgers organization selfish move by going to time warner. At the end of the day doesn’t matter because everyone is still getting paid big bucks right……Smh. selfish all around and money hungry.
TWC is showing their desperation with the media blitz recently. Desperate people do desperate things and we, the fan base, are very tired of it! Get over yourselves and get the games on TV, already!!! They bit off too much and now should be sued for breech of contract because they sure aren’t performing to their contract!