Dodgers News: Brett Anderson Throws Shade at His Former Employer
The Dodgers-Cubs rivalry has the potential to be heated and long-lasting. Brett Anderson just did his part.
Anderson has been rehabbing to re-join the Cubs. He had an 8.18 ERA and averaged 3.2 innings in his first six starts, but he wanted to make it clear he loves the clubhouse.
As bad as I pitched, this is by far the best team atmosphere I've been apart of…not even close.
— Brett Anderson (@_BAnderson30_) May 25, 2017
It doesn’t take much reading between the lines to see that as a shot at the Dodgers. L.A. and Chicago will meet this weekend, and while Anderson won’t pitch, he seemed to have done a favor for sports writers in those cities.
Anderson spent two seasons with Los Angeles, including one worth $15.8 because of an accepted qualifying offer.
His first season in L.A. was memorable. Anderson threw 180.1 innings and collected a 3.69 ERA. Despite a heavy injury history, he decided to accept the one-year deal rather than explore multiyear contracts.
Anderson’s next season probably made him wish he signed a more secure contract. He pitched in just four games (11.1 innings), halted by injuries. Chicago took a flyer on Anderson with a one-year $3.5 million, incentive-laden pact that’s yet to pay dividends.
It’s unclear if Anderson didn’t get along with members of the Dodgers, and the tweet’s timing is a bit random. With the teams squaring off this weekend, it may not be the last we hear of it.
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Well, for Brett, the clubhouse “atmosphere” in either city was probably close to being the same … unless the Cubs’ training staff brings donuts for the rehabbing players and Dodger trainers insist on kale. I could see where a guy would prefer that atmosphere. You’d think Anderson would have nice things to say about an organization that paid him millions to NOT pitch. Then again, Cubs are doing that as well, so it must be the donuts.
Glad your gone.
Things are always rosy in a clubhouse that won a championship the previous year. Even Ray Charles can see that!
Anderson is one of overpaid bums that just keep hanging on.
Well, isn’t that funny?! I remember Brett Anderson saying how he loved it here and how the atmosphere was great. Hmmm, of course he would say he was happy where is he now. He is lucky the Dodgers gave him two years of the money that they did. Ungrateful…….