Dodgers Team News

Dodgers: Will Trevor Bauer Get Another Job in Baseball? Insiders Weigh In

The Trevor Bauer saga for Los Angeles is over. The Los Angeles Dodgers announced Friday that Bauer has been designated for assignment. 

L.A. will eat the $22.5 million, and any team can sign the right-handed pitcher for the minimum and play as soon as he can. 

However, the question arises about who will sign the former Cy Young winner. Any team interested in the right-handed pitcher can sign him, but ESPN insider Alden Gonzalez says that teams may avoid Bauer at all costs. 

“The industry’s perspective, if it can be summarized with one sentence: Unlikely, but not impossible.

ESPN surveyed about two-dozen agents and front-office executives over the past month in an effort to gauge Bauer’s potential free agent market, and the answers didn’t deviate much beyond that. The most common response landed closely with what a rival general manager plainly stated in a text message on the night of Dec. 22, moments after an independent arbitrator ruled that Bauer — having already served 144 games in 2022 — would be docked pay for the first 50 games of the 2023 season but would be reinstated immediately.

“I don’t expect anyone will sign him,” the G.M. wrote.”

An independent arbitrator reduced Bauer’s suspension from 324 games to 194 games. 

Even though most teams will do everything in their power to avoid Bauer, some agents said that some teams would take a chance on Bauer. 

“I think there will be teams that will at least be interested,” another agent said.

“Some teams will just take the arm,” a front-office executive added, “and they’ll deal with the blowback later.”

And. that’s what it may come down to with Bauer. Will a team sign the soon to be 32 year old and get ready to face the criticism that will come with it? 

He last pitched in June 2021 and was adequate for the Dodgers in his time on the mound. He went 8-5 with a 2.85 ERA, 137 strikeouts, and a 1.00 WHIP in 17 games. 

It’ll be interesting to see what team will take the chance on Bauer. Will it be a steal, or will they regret signing someone who hasn’t pitched in the major leagues in 19 months?

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Ricardo Sandoval

Born and Raised in the East side of Los Angeles. Ricardo is a staff writer at Dodgers Nation and on the LA Sports Report network of sites. He's also a lifelong Dodgers and Lakers fan. Ricardo is an alumnus of CSUN (Go Matadors).


  1. Would be cool if there were no takers for Bauer. But, I think Padres for Asstros will take him.

  2. I think Texas would be a good state for what’s his face.So,the ASStros or Rangers would be a match and he could hang around and share a steak with Gov Abbott.

  3. Part of me hopes he will get another chance. And, I hope it’s the Padres if for no other reason than the entertainment value the first time he shows up in Dodger Stadium!
    Something tells me though, it won’t be until 2024. He’s to radioactive now

    1. No way the yankees would want him, especially after Chapman. It would be interesting if he lands with the cheaters because he was pretty damn critical of them when news of the scandal broke. I don’t think the Padres need him, even for the minimum salary. Just my opinion of course. Who really knows?

  4. REPEAT AFTER ME: Bauer was, never, criminally, charged with any crime. He was NEVER TRIED OR CONVICTED! He WAS, FELONY STUPID! He did not deserve the suspension and bad PR. Let Bauer play and pitch. The Dodgers are arrogant to release him and flush $22 million!!!

    1. You don’t have to be convicted of a crime to be fired. People are fired everyday for violating company policy. He violated the mlb policy and was suspended. The Dodgers released him after determining he had learned nothing during the experience. Happens every day at thousands of companies. He was too stupid to realize how much trouble and he should just shut up. Dodgers moved on, and he should start by shutting up.

    2. Felony stupid is right! But what makes it worse is that manfred got the last laugh. I wonder if mlb would’ve dished out this suspension if Bauer hadn’t been so vocal against manfred in the past. Either way, the Dodgers decided this publicity train wreck isn’t worth the $23 million or even paying him to pitch against us.

  5. The Pirates will sign him in May, and try to trade him in July. There will be no takers, so he’ll get cut on August 1. And retire on August 2.

  6. Anybody still loving what’s his face and is feeling so bad that the Dodgers dropped his monkey ass can go to his website and purchase one of his t shirts.Wear it with pride.It will make you feel so much better knowing that your contributing to his brand and adding to his income that he sorely needs….Get the hell out!

  7. Mets. The new Yankees. Chapman’s rap sheet was arguably worse, but the Yankees grabbed him and there was no blowback from the New York fans. So- Mets or Yankees.

  8. Someone will pick him up cheap. Baseball is a business, a big business with lots of zeros. Oakland is the first team that comes to my mind. Maybe an east coast team, probably not middle of the country except maybe Houston.

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