MLB News: COVID Test Results Continue to Improve Around Baseball
MLB and it’s fans got some good news last week when the first round of intake testing was completed. Even though there were a few hiccups, the percentage of positive tests was far below what was expected the first time around. Of the 3700+ tests issued, MLB came back with just below two percent positive results.
That news got a little bit better today with MLB’s latest COVID-19 testing results being released. Adding in the monitoring phase of testing,MLB has yielded just 83 positive tests of the 11,149 samples issued. That means that between intake screening and monitoring, there has been less than one percent of positive test returns.
Testing results under MLB's COVID-19 Health Monitoring & Testing Plan were jointly announced today by @MLB and the @MLB_PLAYERS.
— MLB Communications (@MLB_PR) July 10, 2020
This is obviously good news because most had expected much worse at this point in the year. But these new test results give a lot of hope to the season, and have made experts believe that MLB could actually finish their entire season. There are still plenty of steps to go, but this was a big one.
Of the 30 clubs in MLB, 28 have had players that tested positive during intake or monitoring screening. For the monitoring phase of testing, 17 of the 7,401 samples have been NEW positive tests, meaning they did not test positive upon intake screening. That accounts for about 0.2 % of new positive testing during the monitoring phase.
The increase from 66 to 83 between intake and monitoring phase is going to be one of the most important numbers to monitor for MLB. If they can keep that number as low as they have the first go around, then there is absolutely a good chance they finish out the season.
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