
The Dick Mountain Jersey Timeshare

The extended Dodger family can be an amazing place. If you’ve managed to remain unaware of this story, you’re in for a treat. The jersey involved in this story is infamous. I contacted the person where this story begins, and because his telling of the story is quite entertaining, I used much of his telling.. His name is Todd Munson. Here is the story of the Dodgerhood of the Traveling Jersey.

Follow the Dick Mountain Jersey account on twitter, @spa_dick. The person that currently has the jersey is the one running the account, and it’s terrific!

The Dick Mountain Timeshare

“The story of the Dick Mountain Time Share started way back on July 14. That was the first day
the Greatest Jersey in Sports History was put up for sale at the game used stand on the Club

My wife and I were walking by on the way to our seats on the Reserve Level (shout out to
Section 2) when it first caught my eye. Actually, it pulled me in like the Death Star’s tractor
beam. I pretty much ghosted my wife as I weaved through the Freeway Series crowd for a
chance to bask in its filthy glory.

I looked over towards the kid who runs the stand and asked “This is the one, isn’t it?”
He confirmed my obvious suspicion with a cackle and then we made our usual small talk.
I’ve gotten to know him a bit over the years. I’m not a huge collector but I always like to check
out what they have for sale. Prior to the Dick Mountain Time Share, my biggest purchase from
him was a jersey that Greg Maddux wore during his time as a guest instructor at spring training
last season. That was my first Dodger jersey and it ticked all my requirements: a retired, semi-
obscure Dodger.

Anyway, before I left I snapped a pic and composed a tweet to let the world know the Greatest
Jersey in Sports History™ could be had for the low, low price of $1395. By the time I was done
gushing over it, a crowd had gathered as more people realized they were standing in the
presence of a jersey worthy of Cooperstown.”

Here is the original tweet from Todd.

A few weeks later the Dodgers were back in LA after the All-Star break and a road trip, and Todd was back at Dodger Stadium. Amazingly, this jersey that should already be in the louvre, still hadn’t been sold.

Two weeks after this, the jersey STILL hadn’t been sold and the price had dropped under the one thousand mark.

Todd goes on: “This night was Kershaw vs Bumgarner. Our friend @lawbibliophile had our seats (she picked a great game way back in April) but I didn’t want to miss the clash of the titans so bought a $10
ticket out in Section 60. I tweeted my usual pic of the jersey and by the time I completed the trek
out to the hinterlands, the replies to that tweet had blown up.” I ended the quote here because Todd’s next words could have been from my own mouth.

“Now this is the part where I should finally say that Dodger Twitter is one of the best things about
being a Dodger fan. I’ve made so many friends who started out as random Dodger fans on
Twitter and it’s really made watching and going to games a lot more fun when there’s a group of
friends near and far that you can live and die with 162+ days a year. That night, they were all telling me to go buy the jersey. I think it was @DodgerFoodie who first brought up the idea of everyone chipping in on the jersey and in the span of two innings I found myself back at the game used stand with my credit card in hand.”

He went on to tell the attendant who sold it to him, “This is going to sound a little weird but a bunch of us are going in on it and we’re going to split it. We’re calling it the Dick Mountain Time Share.”

Fortune favors the bold, but a thousand dollars is nothing to balk at. After @DodgerFoodie brought up the idea of people chipping in and helping pay for this purchase, other offers to chip in poured into his original tweet comments. After such a large purchase, Todd really wanted to give credit to his wife. I’m married, so I’m more than happy to oblige.

“Let me just say that telling your wife news like this after she put in an 18 hour day at the office is not exactly the best timing. The only thing that kept me from sleeping on the sidewalk were all the Venmo
contributions that had already rolled in. But in the morning she wanted to know more and found
the whole thing hilarious.”

The legend of the Dick Mountain Time Share was born through Todd Munson, but as great things typically do, it is held up and gotten it’s attention by a group of individuals.

The Board of Directors

The Dick Mountain Time Share is equally owned by this list, all loyal Dodger fans on twitter.


Dick Mountain Signs The Jersey

I went and got this story from the source, as well. Angie (@4Ev3rblue on twitter) recounted to me the story:

“It was Labor day and my friend got me in to batting practice. I stood there for the entire practice holding up the D Mountain Time Share. Rich definitely spotted me pretty early; there were some smiles on the field. After they were done Rich jogged straight over and asked me where I wanted him to sign! I told him 12 of us went in on the jersey and that we love watching him pitch. But I was mostly just star struck, watched and took in the historic moment in D Mountain Time Share history.”


At the end, there are some wonderful photos of the jersey itself and the people involved, and even those who are just as enthralled with its story. It has certainly been said for writers to never have more quotes than your own written material–I’m well aware of this. The story of the Dick Mountain Time Share is one of the hundreds of stories that really showcase the family and breadth of Dodger fans twitter, affectionately known as Dodgers Twitter.

I let Todd’s telling of the story and Angie’s telling of how she got Rich Hill to sign the jersey dominate the piece because above all, that’s what the Dodgers family is. Without the fans, after all, baseball is a children’s game played for nobody, and Dodger fans are the best. If you see any of the owners or the Rich Hill jersey itself–go take a picture with it.

AJ Gonzalez

AJ is a lifelong Dodgers and Lakers fan who grew up in California. His whole family is also lifelong Dodgers fans. He lives in Pennsylvania with his wife, two kids, his guitars, and beagle Kobe.

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