Video: Discussing Dancing Bear And The Aftermath At Dodger Stadium
A lot of the conversation this morning has centered around the Cardinals complaining about Yasiel Puig and Adrian Gonzalez, but another story from last night’s 3-0 Dodger win was the bear mascot dancing on the Cardinal dugout in the eighth inning.
The bear pumped up the crowd for a good minute or so before being detained by Dodger Stadium security and escorted out of the stadium. In his routine, the bear attempted to do the splits twice and even impressed actor Dustin Hoffman.
Derek Doi, who was sitting next to the bear last night, had this to say about how he got into the stadium wearing the costume:
Sat the whole game in regular clothes with the bear costume underneath it. You could see furry parts sticking out from his regular clothes. Then in the eighth inning he took off his normal pants and jacket and started looking around back and forth, scoping out the security, and then at the right time, he popped his head on and ran out there.
Mark Monninger, identified as the dancing bear, was on with Mark Willard and Ben Lyons this morning on ESPN Radio 710 and talked about his night last night.
Monninger has been a mascot in previous years for the Clippers and Quakes and even had a conversation with Dodgers president Stan Kasten in the past year about potentially being the Dodger mascot. However, his antics caused him to be banned for six months from Dodger Stadium.
The Dodgers are one of four teams to not have a mascot and after “Rally Bear” won’t be seen for a while, expect that trend to continue.
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