Dodger Stadium Voting Center Directions, Information and Details
On Wednesday, the Los Angeles Dodgers, LA County Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk, and California Secretary of State’s office provided details for the previously announced voting center to be established at Dodger Stadium for the Presidential General Election.
Hands down, best Voting Center in the country! #DodgerStadium
— Dodgers Nation (@DodgersNation) September 24, 2020
Importantly, every up-to-date piece of information on voting at Dodger Stadium can be found at the newly created
The vote center will be located in the Top Deck section at Dodger Stadium and will be open for early voting from October 30, 2020 to November 2, 2020, from 10 AM PT to 7 PM PT each day.
On Tuesday’s election day, the site will be open from 7 AM PT to 8 PM PT.
Address: 1000 Vin Scully Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90012
Voters can enter Dodger Stadium through Sunset Gate A on Vin Scully Ave off Stadium Way. Free parking will be available in Lot P. Note that the COVID-19 testing site may interfere with your arrival, so it is suggested that you avoid getting to the stadium using Stadium Way.
More Details
The site will be accessible to all registered voters in Los Angeles County for in-person voting and will serve as a drop off location for vote-by-mail ballots.
Like all Vote Centers in LA County, Dodger Stadium will be taking safety precautions to limit the spread of Covid-19:
- Voting will take place in outdoor, covered areas of the Top Deck with ample space for social distancing both while in line and while voting
- One-directional foot traffic with separate routes for entry and exit
- Voters will be provided with hand sanitizer at entry and exit
- ePollbooks and Ballot Marking devices will be sanitized after every use
- Face coverings are required at all times at Dodger Stadium
Additional information will be made available leading up to the November Election. A video with more details and a tour of the site will be made available on at a later date so bookmark this post and stay tuned for more.
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NEXT: Reddit User’s Advice For Getting COVID-19 Testing Done at Dodger Stadium