Dodgers: Alex Cora Fired by Boston Red Sox Amid Cheating Allegations
A day after the firing of Astros manager AJ Hinch and general manager Jeff Luhnow, the Boston Red Sox have officially decided to proceed in a similar fashion in regards to sign stealing allegations. According to Jeff Passan of ESPN, the Boston Red Sox have fired manager Alex Cora.
Alex Cora is out as Boston Red Sox manager following the fallout of the sign-stealing scandals that have enveloped baseball.
— Jeff Passan (@JeffPassan) January 15, 2020
Alex Cora was once upon a time a Dodger and was the manager for the Red Sox in 2018 that helped defeat the Dodgers in the World Series. Cora was one of the league’s best up and coming managers and might never find a prominent job in Major League Baseball depending on the length of his involvement in recent cheating allegations against clubs he has been tied to.
BREAKING: Per source, 3B Josh Donaldson has agreed to a four-year deal with the Minnesota Twins.
— Mark Feinsand (@Feinsand) January 15, 2020
Cora was the bench coach for the Houston Astros in 2017 and was reportedly the lead in the efforts to electronically steal signs for them in the World Series. Across the 2018 season, the Boston Red Sox have been accused of stealing signs while Cora was at the helm. He is the only known constant at this point.
[adace-ad id=”118525″]The Red Sox and Alex Cora have released a joint statement regarding their decision to mutually part ways. The league has also been rumored to be coming to a head in terms of their punishment for the Red Sox and Alex Cora.
Statement from the Boston #RedSox and Alex Cora:
— Red Sox (@RedSox) January 15, 2020
The news keeps getting worse and worse for the look of MLB, but at least going forward, fans around the league should get their justice served.
NEXT: Did the Astros Get What They Deserved for Cheating?
Well, well, well. Y’all remember how all the baseball analysts praised the Red Sox for being such an exceptional hitting team WITH TWO OUTS?!! There’s your answer!
Those of you that are Dodgers season ticket holders have a case for damages. Y’all need to organize to file a class action suit against the MLB, Red Sox, Astros, and all the coaches and players that participated, especially Cora!
The Los Angeles basin is home to the most attorneys anywhere in the world outside of Manhattan. I’m sure you can find a huge firm that specializes in this.
Just make sure that in the settlement agreement with MLB you get those two World Series trophies sent to Chavez Ravine…!!!
The AL is wide open for the Yankees and no one in the NL besides WSH has a chance against them
Sorry kid, fans are not getting their justice. The Dodgers were cheated of competing fairly for a World Series title twice.
And Don, don’t be silly. The Nationals are far from the only team able to compete with the Yankees.
Wanna bet clown? Come talk to me in October when I’m right
Tip of the iceberg for Cora. He’s looking at a lifetime ban when MLB is done with him. He has done tremendous damage to the integrity of the game in a methodical and persistent manner. At his age, he could have become one of the greatest managers ever. And now he’s done. The two world series championships he was part of may not be taken away, but they are permanently tainted. Maris didn’t deserve an asterisk for 61 home runs, especially after all the chemically induced (hello Barry Bonds) and juiced ball home runs afterwards. But the 2017 and 2018 world series results will carry a permanent asterisk, whether visible or not.
Donnie C,
Sweetie, you want to be right? Or do you want to win? Shake off your dust Honey.
“Love is the most important thing in the world, but baseball is pretty good, too.” – Yogi Berra
Competing and being able to be best them in a series is different. Lots of teams can compete yes but not much else
I stated in another article in Dodger Nation briefly the owners will never admit to knowing about the cheating going on , so to make them look good they have to go to the next level fire the general manager or manager to hold a good image for MLB , and the teams owners or owner, and especially make the fans think wow something is really being done but stop and think , the PLAYERS knew about the cheating and HOW and did USE the formula to benefit the team , you will never see anything done to them because it can’t be proven who knew what pitch was coming or who didn’t, again briefly make it look good for MLB and owners blame someone else , the players are just as bad, bring back the steroid era at least something was done to those whom cheated to a point .This will be forgotten very soon. The game is being killed ! but will always go on .Make that money ,it’s a greed game now.
I gotta first say I love this site. I look at a handful of Dodger talk / news sites and this site DodgersNation is the best. This site has been on top of the news on this subject (Astros/ RedSox Cheaters). Hats off to you guys who put and keep it fresh and relevant.
Yes this is a solid site. It’s got good information, isn’t confusing to navigate and there’s life here many people post comments and it’s a simple platform.
Concerning the now Red in the Face Sox Wow. They hire Cora without asking the tough questions such as how did you guys do it at the Houston Asteriks? Or two the Red in the Face Sox did ask that question and they (upper management and ownership) asked and kept it a secret which is more damaging but if they didn’t ask that question when they hired then they are really stupid.
Either way the Red in the Face Sox should be severely punished for now multiple times caught cheating.
Cora had to go. I believe MLB doesn’t want the public to know how widespread the cheating was. Much easier to blame a couple of teams that won WS. There is too much out there to believe cheating was confined to those two teams. It’s hypocrisy not to fully investigate all rumored teams.
Penalty was not enough. I grew up in the LA area so I still root for most LA teams (Dodgers, Lakers, Rams, Kings, & USC Football) that being said I honestly can still see straight and feel I can be fair.
History for those in LA concerning Teams having titles removed and given to nobody (2004 USC football) and striped from somebody then given to runner up (1992 Long Beach Little League given title after the Philippines were caught cheating afterwards). I personally believe that the Asterisk’s were far more deserving of having a title stripped but haven’t been (so far). I am not in anyway a expert on teams having a title removed but this should have happened.
Concerning the Houston Asteriks how embarrassing. WowI do think that those “caught” cheating organizations were NOT penalized even a 1/10th of what should have happened? No way are they penalized like they should be. The cheating Asterik’s go back (per ESPN -Jeff Pasan) to how they tanked their seasons to build their teams and this owner ddn’t spend and money to keep them at the bottom.The Houston Asteriks Owner is Joking if he thinks we buy into his press conference.
Most anyone who has ever played the game agrees stealing signs in itself is not cheating its how its done. The problem is once a league informs Team’s players, mangers, or ownership that this or that is illegal then it means you can’t do it that way or even close in spirit to the way a warning is told. Many people are told and have it told to them you can’t do this or that and still their are some that still do it because the believe that they will not be punished. Sadly some are never punished and some are for less offenses that’s just the way life is. With also MLB now telling teams not to be commenting on this cheating stuff we may never know the basic full truth or at least until someone like Mike Fiers is bold enough to say Freedom of speech is more important.
every other team is acting like their team is innocent, Dodgers and Yankees have also been accused of cheating, it’s a league wide issue that will hopefully be exposed to all teams involved so it won’t hurt the integrity of the game
If we did cheat before it would make Bellinger look bad for saying they did things right
This fine and penalty was nothing and just promotes more cheating. Let’s be real 5 mil to a billionaire is chump change. Losing 2 picks and your manager is not really that much as well. Here’s the deal. CHEAT! Set up a system that can’t be found and if you get caught so what? You win a world series. Let’s say the Dodgers hitters know when fastballs are coming. Belle will hit 60+, Muncy is a lock for 60 and Turner plus Seager will hit 40 each. Averages will skyrocket. The Dodgers would have won 2 World Series if not for cheating. A lifetime ban for someone would have been appropriate for someone here. Maybe even revoking the Stros franchise license until they find a new owner would work.