Dodgers Team News

Dodgers: Justin Turner Exits the Game Shortly After Being Hit By Pitch

The Dodgers are just hoping to walk away with a series split with the Giants at this point. After suffering a big loss on Monday evening, Los Angeles got into an early hole again against San Francisco on Tuesday. 

The Dodgers also had another injury scare during Tuesday night’s game. Justin Turner was hit on the knee by a pitch from Alex Wood in the third inning. Turner remained in the game and ran the bases, so it appeared that he was fine. 

But after his next at-bat, Turner was suddenly removed from the game. There was no immediate word from the Dodgers on why they decided on the quick removal. Part of it could have been the fact that they were chasing 5 runs when he was subbed out. 

If Justin has to miss literally any time, that would have huge implications on the Dodgers lineup. Mookie Betts has missed 3 games with a hip issue and it doesn’t appear to be improving right now. 

Dodgers Related: Dave Roberts’ Tips For Victor Gonzalez

Max Muncy is also going to be leaving the team at some point whenever his wife Kelly gives birth. The hope is that it was a precautionary move right now, but we will wait for more information before panicking regardless. 

Dodgers News: Mookie Betts Remains Out of Starting Lineup, Darien Nunez Opener


  1. Another Dodger has to come out of the game after being hit and Roberts and the team just appear not to care enough to somehow answer back.Tlhis team is falling like dominos and if things don’t change, it could be a very rough ending to this year.

  2. And now I hear that Muncy had to leave the game after he was hit and now has a right shoulder contusion. Whats it going to take for this team and Roberts to respond? Soon we will be left with fielding a team with unproven minor leaguers.

  3. We need to start hitting some opposing hitters. Nobody respects the Dodgers, and thinks they can hit our batters with no repercussions. This is what took Seager out for two months. OUR PITCHERS NEED TO NAIL SOME HITTERS. If they don’t our guys are going to keep going down, and we have more than our share of injured guys now. Giant players are the perfect guys to pop. Just do it.

  4. We have been bashing Doc for a while, but tonight you have to give him credit for having the team fight back and beat Alex Wood & the Giants. A manager cannot play, but the players he puts in the game must compete and execute to play to win. It was a team win w/ everybody contributing especially w/ JT and Muncy leaving the game because of Wood. CT3 stepping up was big, young rookies playing out of position, J. Gray doing his best to hold fort on his debut, and Doc’s best decision to hold Smith as his wild card off the bench. This come from behind win w/ a walk-off against the Giants is big especially @ home. This kind of win can propell the momentum and give the team to fight any adversity. Memories of last year’s walk- offs!

    1. thank you. finally someone recognizes doc and his coaches know what they are doing. You don’t have the best record in baseball for the last 8 years and continually find fault when the Dodgers lose. Enjoy the ride. Hopefully last nite’s walk-off has the Dodgers bursting with the big Mo and we win 2 more. We are still 2 games back in the lost column, which is all that matters

  5. Dodgers have been hit by pitches 69 times this season, 2nd most in baseball. They have hit opposing batters 40 times. Padres and Giants have been hit 36 and 32 times respectively, about half as much. They have hit opposing players 58 and 39 times. See the pattern? And it’s part of a bigger pattern, that the Dodgers play passive baseball. They have 28 stolen bases, 25th in baseball. They have allowed 76 stolen bases against them. Other teams are taking advantage of their passivity, it is costing them games, and pitchers are injuring their batters with no repercussion.

  6. I think if anyone is hit in tonight’s game – especially if if it is Taylor or Will Smith – there has to be some retaliation.
    Imo Robert’s and his staff do a great job with one exception – Bellinger ! Someone has to take charge of this situation and figure out adjustments in Bellinger’s stance, his position in batter’s box and/or the angle he holds his bat when awaiting a pitch –

    1. The Giants should not be surprised if one of our guys has a problem with command tonight. It is painful enough listening to their trifling announcers, especially during Dodgers’ home games, that I find myself often turning the volume down. But watching former Dodgers’ Wood hit Muncy and Turner (I believe in the same inning) was ridiculous. Personally, I was surprised that Wood did not hit Taylor, too.

      Nevertheless, it was sweet (albeit nerve-wrecking) that their pitcher imploded during the bottom of the 9th and Smith came through with the Walk off depriving Wood of the “W.” I hope tonight is not as challenging for us. GO DODGERS!

    2. Well at least Roberts should Bellinger completely away from the top 5 in the order. And yes he needs fixing with his stance, where he holds his bat and swing path. He is such an easy out right now it’s not even funny.

      1. Paul:

        How about having Cody just go up there and trying to get hit? I’m sure the Midget’s staff would be happy to oblige him. Bellinger finally gets on base and Roberts can sit back and relax and watch more of his players get dinged with no reciprocity. We’ve got way too much Emily Post and not enough Don Drysdale on this club. Maybe if the club would make up some jerseys with nice bulls-eye targets it might sort of highlight what’s happening?

  7. I feel that hitting a batter for bat flipping or standing and watching a homer is flat out wrong.In this case,getting hit by your rival and losing two of our best players for whatever amount of innings or perhaps games merits retaliation.If Roberts disagrees with this,bring in Jose Kelly.He’ll get the100 mph job done!

    1. Fake Wood was doing just that when the previous night Muncy stood, watched his HR sail fair or foul and then flipped his bat. Wood had intentions last night w/ an unusual 92 heater up high on the back after striking out 5. You know it was also Wood who hit Muncy and broke his finger to give him lost time. But hitting JT? What a friend….that’s why I call him Fake Wood….all “shibai”. I thought the best opportunity to retaliate was in the 5th w/ Wood batting, rookie pitcher J. Gray should have nailed Wood on his left elbow ( he bats RH) w/ his 95 mph high cheese. Joe would have done it, you have to protect your star players.

  8. I know some of us want retribution for the Wood situation. But let’s just beat these f$@kers and replace them in first then move on Dodger fans.
    We can win without hurting someone else.
    Let’s fight for first.

    1. Lynn:

      Let’s do that but also see if the Midgets continue to throw at Dodger batters. Turning the other cheek only goes so far until you’re out of cheeks. Or in this case, players.

      1. Now Turner is out of the lineup tonight. I agree that we should fight for first, but the fight should be fair or at least something that resembles fair. Last night, Wood played dirty ball and our team is dealing with the consequences. Again, its a miracle that Taylor was not hit. Look its bad enough that we are short pitchers and our relievers are overtaxed playing ” bull pen” games. We do not need any more of our players being hit and injured enough to be removed from the lineup during this series or any series for that matter. Go Dodgers!

  9. I totally agree that Wood play dirty. We have Taylor now leading are team and he has been a delight to watch. Smith has been probably the best catcher in baseball. I have always thought he would be a great catcher and it turns out he is the best. Go Smitty

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