Dodgers Team News

Dodgers: Stan Kasten Confirms Stadium Renovation Details

Questions around the Dodgers’ renovations at the stadium have started to pop up amid concerns over COVID-19. With rules popping up city-to-city that dictate crowd size and essential employees, fans started to wonder whether or not construction could continue.

Dodgers’ team President Stan Kasten spoke on those renovations and the guidelines under which they are being executed. He joined Lunchtime With Roggin and Rodney to discuss the new television deal and update on stadium construction.

There is work continuing, its going fine. You should know that we’re in full compliance with the state, county, and city mandates as well as the CDC and WHO guidelines. Once we knew the season as going to start late, we slowed the construction down… It’s going to be so fantastic when we are finally able to gather again.

The Dodgers are apparently taking the time to make sure that guidelines are being followed in consideration of the health of their workers. The six-foot rule is reportedly being enforced, and crews have been cut down to minimize the person-to-person contact. They were able to do this since the target date was pushed. 

The Dodgers were running out of time to have the stadium done in time for Opening Day, which would have been this past weekend. They even admitted that the Pavillion section would not be open during the Freeway Exhibition Series against the Angels the week before Opening Day. With baseball being pushed off until at least July, they now have time to slow things down and get it done safely. 

Early reports suggest that baseball could get going as early as July first, though those reports have not been confirmed by any high-level reporters as of yet. Baseball will likely wait to see how other sports proceed in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic. 

NEXT: Astros’ Hinch and Luhnow Benefit From Suspended Season


  1. Will the Dodgers play without fans or will they try going minimal separation plans, say a few chosen ones to start until they can have more fans?

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