Dodgers Team News

Dodgers: Dave Roberts Deserves Every Bit of His Contract Extension

The Dodgers have had a long run of success since selling their team. Ever since the Frank McCourt era ended in Los Angeles, the focus has been on winning now and building out a farm system to compete for many years to come. Andrew Friedman and his team have been able to do just that, demonstrated by many years of playoff runs. 

But in order for all of that to work, the Dodgers needed the right guy at the helm. That’s been Dave Roberts for the past six seasons. Doc entered Spring Training with just one year remaining on his last deal, leaving many to wonder when the extension was coming. Yes, the team expects a lot, and just getting to the playoffs isn’t enough anymore. 

But Doc is absolutely the right guy for this job. He currently carries the best winning percentage of any MLB manager in history at .622 with 542 regular-season victories. No manager has lasted this long with the Dodgers since Tommy Lasorda. He’s been at the head of the team through 5 division titles, 3 NL Pennants, and a World Series win. 

But it’s much more than just that.

“You guys know how excited I am, and what it means for me to put this uniform on every day, and really respecting the Dodger tradition, and the people that came before me. So for ownership, the organization, Andrew [Friedman], in particular, to entrust me going forward is everything.”

The Dodgers believe in Doc and what he can do with his team. Perhaps more importantly, he clearly has the respect and trust of the clubhouse. One trip into the locker room at Spring Training will tell you that. 

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There is a full line of communication, and the relationship with Doc and his players is unlike anything you see around baseball. So while fans may have their opinions about Doc, which they are more than entitled to, this Dodgers team believes in him. 

And they rewarded that with a three-year extension. Doc will be managing the Dodgers through the 2025 season. 

Dodgers: Andrew Friedman Talks About His Future With the Team


  1. Was this story written ‘ tongue in check ‘ as a parody ? For every stat mentioned there are as many negatives not noted. Maybe a dead arm(s) article next.

  2. Roberts make to many stupid decisions back and look at his last six years!!!!!

  3. yeah. but the dodgers are psychopaths. what are you going to do?one reporter said dave made 6.5 m last year. of course hes going to say he can do the job. where else is he going to find someone stupid enough to pay him that much? if thats true. thats gotta be way more than any other manager out there. the dodgers are putting out strong enough teams to win every year. but dave is so terrible that his manuevers destroy the team every year. its amazing. now the idiot is guaranteeing a title. all thats gonna do is fire up the other teams and come october its losing time for the dodgers once again. last year was an embarassment. the team was so good that if it had a capable general at the helm the title would have been taken. the dodgers have lost their marbles for sure. now army mikes going to step in and im going to tell you guys how to handle this roberts guy. concerning strategy and tactics he cant be allowed to make any of those decisions. his heads not wired for victory. hes wired to lose and thats whats going to happen to the team. again. unless andrew can put together a team thats way better than everybody elses. and even then dave is more than likely to destroy the clubs chances . in the regular season dave can get away or seem to on the surface,with alot of his blatant disregard of the situations that hes totally clueless about. theres one way to handle dave. and thats to make the strategical and tactical decisions for him completely. and his only job would basically be to implement the gameplans authored by someone else. or a small team of strategy and tactical specialists. the problem is that theres no communication with devices during the games. so your specialists would have to be coaches to be in the dugout aiming to call the optimal shots. something dave is unlikely to be able to do.

  4. NO he doesn’t every bit.

    Managing a loaded team is an easy challenge.

    But he has shown repeatedly he can’t handle pitchers.

    He plays hitters who can’t hit over and over again. While ignoring players like beatty.

    He is not players manager that some think he is. Being a nice guy is not managing.

  5. Shilling in the name of journalism. Opinions are fine, but can we have some reality attached to them at least? Pointing out some statistics that my mother-in-law could have fulfilled, given with what Roberts has at his disposal, is somewhat disingenuous, don’t you think?

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