
Dodgers: Jerry Hairston Talks 2020 Season and Getting Games Going

Former Dodgers’ player Jerry Hairston Jr joined DodgersNation.com on Tuesday to catch up amid quarantine life. Hairston talked about everything from grocery shopping to how the lives of players will change moving forward.

Hairston talked about life in quarantine a bit, but also addressed the situation Dodgers players are finding themselves in. He talked about how difficult it is to go from prepping yourself for the season to suddenly having no baseball and no clear timeline. 

This is a lot harder for players because they’re not experiencing an injury. I’ve been injured in the past and there’s a reason I’m not on the field – it’s because I have a broken finger or I have a broken foot. So you know why you’re not playing, but at the same time you hope because you see your teammates out playing…this is unchartered territory for these players.

Indeed this is unchartered territory for players, as this is one of the few times in history that baseball has been stopped for reasons outside of labor issues. As Hairston mentioned in the interview, the September 11th attacks were another time baseball was halted, albeit for a moment in time. 

Hairston also addressed some of the rumored scenarios around the league that could get baseball going again. So far, the scenarios that have been rumored include an Arizona biodome plan, an Arizona and Florida split, and possibly playing in Japan. JHair is of the belief that Dodgers players want to do anything they can to get back out there and play.

As long as it’s safe, I think the players realize we need to get back to normalcy, and us being on the field as long as it’s safe, it’ll begin the steps to that…I’m going to take the view of an active player here, and I want to play.

Listen in on the full interview with Hairston to hear some of his stories with the Dodgers Nation crew! You can also tune in on Tuesday nights at 7 pm for our Blue Heaven Podcast live show when we will be discussing the talk we had with him.

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  1. Hi everyone. I’ve been out of touch for a while and need to catch up on things. Well, if the season does get started how are the rules going to change? It’s a contact sport so how is that possible? Keeping your distance isn’t part of the game. I heard there won’t be any home plate umpires, that a machine will be making the balls & strike calls. If they’re afraid of being too close to the catcher and batter why doesn’t the ump wear a mask in his mask? The catcher can do the same. What else is changing in the game? Oh yes, there won’t be any fans at the stadium. What about after the game interviews? will they use 6′ poles with microphones? And no dumping ice cold Gater aide? No hugging or shaking of hands after a win? Oh God please bring back the good old days soon, Amen.

    1. Those are just a few of the reasons why these are all stupid ideas and people should just stop being babies and accept that they won’t get sports this year. The amount of crying about it really shows how pathetic the average person is

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