Dodgers: Joe Davis Will Be the World Series Voice For FOX
Imagine stepping into a new job where the last guy was a legend. For decades, Vin Scully was the voice of the Dodgers. He transcended time with the way he was able to bring the game to life for fans listening on the radio, and he was able to make the television experience even better.
To put it simply, Vin was one of the greatest to ever pick up a microphone. But when he retired from broadcasting after the 2016 season, the Dodgers brought on Joe Davis as their new play-by-play man. He’s won over the fanbase ever since then, with some incredibly iconic calls in his first few seasons.
Rumors had been circulating all offseason about Davis’ future. With Joe Buck leaving FOX to go to ESPN, many believed Davis to be the next man up to take on an expanded role with FOX. According to Andrew Marchand of The New York Post, that;s exactly what is happening.
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Davis will be the new voice of the World Series with FOX this year, meaning he could be calling Dodgers games deep into the postseason. Davis will team up with former Braves pitcher John Smoltz in the booth. Those two called the NLCS games in 2020 when Buck had scheduling conflicts with NFL work.
It’s well deserved for Davis, who also called NFL and college football games for Fox. All of that happened while he was the regular play-by-play man for the Dodgers. Very few in the industry can say that they work as hard as he does, and it will be very fun to watch him get the playoffs this year.
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Excelent very well deserve joe Davis I really enjoy leasing do the play by play
Great voice, sweet personality, and a baseball encyclopedia for a brain. Joe Davis is the best.