Dodgers Team News

Dodgers: Justin Turner Tries His Hand at Winter Olympic Sport

One of the few benefits of the current MLB lockout is it allows players additional time to pursue other interests. From hosting charity golf tournaments to kicking field-goals, Dodgers third baseman Justin Turner has had an active extended offseason. 

In lieu of spring training, Turner has apparently picked up a new hobby. On Thursday, the Dodgers veteran posted a video of he and his wife Kourtney, along with a pair of friends, curling. If that’s not enough to pique one’s interest, the four of them all rocked American flag themed onesies whilst curling. 

For all those Dodgers fans that wondered what Justin Turner curling in USA-themed onesie would look like, wonder no more. 

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Eric Eulau

Born and raised in Ventura, not "Ven-CH-ura", California. Favorite Dodger Stadium food is the old school chocolate malt with the wooden spoon. Host of the Dodgers Nation 3 Up, 3 Down Podcast.

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