Dodgers Team News

Dodgers Prospects: Spotlight on Ryan Pepiot; Diego Cartaya, Maddux Bruns Dazzle

The month of March in 2022 started with the baseball lockout with things looking very dim on a full season of Major League Baseball. No matter what, the minor league schedule was going to proceed for all players not on the 40-man roster. The best news is, of course, we will have a baseball season, and a full 162-game one, at that.

With all of that drama out of the way, we can concentrate on the season. Let’s talk about some prospect news for this strange month.

The Hitters

The Pitchers

Prospect News

The month of March is always a great mix of news about the prospects in Spring Training. Next month, we’ll be talking about where players end up playing and some actual games. One question to ask, which prospect will be the first one to make his major league debut in 2022. Of all of the prospects, only Andre Jackson has played in the major leagues.

For more in-depth prospect coverage check out Dodgers 2080’s website, YouTube, Instagram, and Twitter accounts.

NEXT: How Craig Kimbrel Fits Into the Bullpen

Tim Rogers

A fan of the Dodgers since 1973 since I got my first baseball cards while living in Long Beach. I came to San Diego for college and never left nor did I ever switch my Dodgers' allegiance. Some know me as the "sweater guy". #ProspectHugger

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